Chapter 15

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"Commander, naked is precisely what you are in that uniform!" Jefferson chimed in, unable to contain his amusement.

With his injuries on the mend, Jefferson still sported bandages as he stood alongside Houston. Clad only in pants, he held a clipboard and reviewed the camo index with a serious expression.

"These pants are the same as the jungle fatigues, obviously. But since you're flaunting more skin than a beach vacation, your camo defense index is plummeting faster than a lead balloon. On the plus side, you'll break speed records running in that getup," Jefferson explained with a wry grin.

"Oh, absolutely! A fine opportunity to display those bulging muscles, Commander," Houston chimed in, flexing playfully.

"Hey, Commander, rumor has it you reclaimed your old codename because of a daring shirtless escapade. Any truth to that?" Jefferson asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Don't swallow every tall tale, Jefferson. The reason they called me 'Naked' is because I once jumped into action without gear or provisions. I had to scrounge up everything on the fly," Houston clarified.

"Wait, are you telling me you swooped in for a rescue mission without a pair of pants?! From a plane, 3000 feet above? Sweet Jesus, sir, no wonder they call you the Marshal Commander," Jefferson burst out, barely holding back his laughter.

"You're really giving me a hard time, aren't you, Jefferson?" Houston sighed with a shake of his head.

"Just a tad... alright, maybe a little more than that," Jefferson admitted, his smirk still firmly in place.

"Absolutely hilarious," Houston deadpanned, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Commander at least you have the balls to do it expect The Commanders back in the states like Uncle Sam, Edison High, Montana Tankery, and Virgina Academy I bet they don't have the ball to do it." Jefferson said it with a cocky tone

Meanwhile in King Discord Tankery end story.

"Huh..... I feel like been insulted......" Edward spoke feeling someone just insulted him and the other Commanders

Back to the story

In the charming city of Pottsboro, the atmosphere was pleasant, with two Texas Rangers performing their duties as if they were military police, ensuring safety and harmony. The camaraderie between the boys and girls seemed to be thriving. The scene transitioned to a bustling mess hall, where a diverse group of people had congregated, enjoying meals skillfully prepared by the cooking staff on this rainy day.

As the majority of the students sought shelter indoors, a different sight unfolded on the sandy shores of the beach. A cluster of boys engaged in training, their bodies executing takedowns with the finesse and technique that Commander Houston was known for. This time, their partners were each other, simulating combat moves in an effort to improve. Overseeing this spirited practice were Commander Muller and Graham, their watchful eyes observing the training unfold.

Meanwhile, Houston stood tall, his school commander uniform still impeccably worn despite the active surroundings. Amidst the vigorous activities, a young lad from Davy Crockett High spotted Houston striding towards them. Eager and enthusiastic, he dashed over to his respected Commander.

"Hey boss you wanna have a Sparring match with me?" The trainee asked as he saluted to Houston.

. "Alright then, let's see what you're made of," Houston responded with a confident nod, positioning himself for the bout.

As the group gathered around, curious and eager, the sparring match began. Houston showcased his prowess in hand-to-hand combat, his movements calculated and swift. The trainee attempted to land hits on Houston, displaying determination and grit. However, Houston's skillful defense deflected and parried the strikes effortlessly, leaving the trainee off-balance.

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