Chapter 38

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Spector of Death/ The Red Ace Part 3

"Don, what the hell are you doing? I'm not your enemy!" Red shouted, his voice tinged with desperation as he deftly dodged his older brother's furious punches. The room around them trembled as Don's rage was unleashed, causing the walls to shudder and crack.

"You're always in the way! Always in the way of what needs to be done!" Houston's voice was dark and filled with a bitter resolve as he continued his relentless assault on Red. He swung at his younger brother with raw, unchecked aggression. Red skillfully maneuvered through the attacks, parrying some and landing a couple of hits on Don.

In a desperate move, Don managed to catch Red's fist in a vice-like grip, his fingers digging into Red's flesh. With a swift motion, he swept Red's legs out from under him, sending his little brother crashing to the floor. But Red's determination burned fiercely, and as Don lunged towards him, Red rolled out of the way just in time, narrowly avoiding a devastating blow.

Breathing heavily and seething with a mix of anger and sorrow, the two brothers locked eyes. Red's voice cracked as he spoke, "Don, please listen to me don't listen of what Anthony and our old Commander Anderson saying please!" 

Don's eyes flashed with a strange mix of defiance and vulnerability. "No I can't I have to do this... I have to kill them again after everything they have done to us!"

Their fight raged on, a violent dance of fists and dodges, the strained brotherhood pulling them in different directions. As they exchanged blows, Red's words cut through the tension, his voice tinged with desperation.

"How? By strangling him?! We would not be better off like them!" Red shouted, narrowly evading one of Don's powerful punches.

"Don't try to mentor me! You're the one who abandoned me and let Dad blame me for your death!" Don yelled, his rage causing him to slam his fist into the wall, shattering it, as Red skillfully continued to evade his strikes.

"Brother, you don't understand what Dad did to me after I 'died'! I had to stay hidden to protect you!" Red's voice trembled with emotion as he tried to make Don see the truth.

"Liar! No wonder why Mom and Dad looked away from me after the Dallas incident!" Don's words were filled with bitterness, as he grappled with the painful memories of their past.

"Don't listen to the lies that Anderson put in your head, big brother! Don't let him control your darkness forever! You're stronger than him!" Red pleaded, trying to break through the wall of anger and despair that Don had built around himself.

"And what, listen to you?" Don's retort was filled with anger, his voice laced with doubt, as they continued to exchange blows.

Red managed to land a few well-placed hits on Don, but the fight was far from over. As they clashed, their brotherly bond strained to its limits, and the outcome of this battle held the potential to either mend their fractured relationship or shatter it irreparably.

The battle raged on, the room around them bearing the scars of their confrontation. It seemed as though neither brother was willing to back down. As they grappled with each other, Don managed to gain the upper hand, his strength and anger driving him forward.

With a sudden surge of power, Don pinned Red to the floor, his strong arms locking around Red's throat in a tight chokehold. Red gasped for air, his vision blurring as he struggled beneath his older brother's relentless grip.

"Don, please!" Red wheezed, his voice barely audible as he fought to break free. His pleas were muffled by the chokehold, but he hoped that somewhere in Don's heart, their brotherly bond would stir some compassion.

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