Chapter 11

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After several days since the city was captured, Houston hadn't received any word or seen Commander Muller and Elijah, despite sending them to reinforce Vice Commander Jefferson. Joey was growing increasingly concerned and wanted to check on their status. Houston decided to assemble a small scouting squad, consisting of three of his best Texan Rangers, four of Muller's Stormtroopers, five of Wesley's Commandos, and two of Elijah's Comanche Indians.

He dispatched this team with the hope that they could report back on the situation within the city. As he watched them depart, all he could do was wait anxiously to hear what had transpired.

Meanwhile, a serene scene unfolded in an open field, where a bunny was leisurely hopping around, enjoying its meal. Just as the bunny finished its meal and was about to move, an arrow suddenly pierced the air and struck the bunny. The shooter was revealed to be a young Native American boy, wearing a World War II standard army uniform.

 The young Native American boy made his way back to the small camp that had been set up by the scouting party for the night, carrying the skinned bunny. The members of the squad were seated around the campfire, engaged in conversation. Leading the group was Texas Ranger Dean Morgan, dressed in an Army Ranger uniform, flanked by two of his men.

One of the Scottish American Commandos broke the silence, questioning the absence of their tanks in this mission, "So lads, do you have any idea why Commander Houston sent us out here without our tanks?"

Dean looked into the fire before responding, "Because it's supposed to be a recon mission. If we bring our tanks here, one of the Federation girls will spot us and take us out."

A German-American Stormtrooper chimed in, voicing agreement with Dean's rationale.

The Comanche, busy cooking the rabbit, joined the conversation, "Well, tank or not, it's best we go on foot. We can't let the girls know that we're coming. Besides, this place we're camping in is nice without a tank."

The Commando turned his attention to Dean again, asking about the distance to the city, "So Dean, how far are we from the city?"

"Not that far," Dean replied, his fingers plucking at the grass beneath him. "Just twenty miles to go. We'll get there, but for now, we rest. Tomorrow morning, we'll move out early."

As the group continued their discussion around the campfire, they remained unaware of the situation in the city. 

In the morning, the squad pressed forward through the dense forest. Their progress was difficult due to the terrain. As they moved, Dean overheard a German Stormtrooper, speaking in English.

"I don't understand why Commander Houston sent Commander Muller and Elijah to assist Vice Commander Jefferson and Joey in the city," he asked his comrade. "Well, if you hold the same rank as him, maybe I'll tell you. But for now, shut up," replied the other German-American soldier.

Continuing their journey through the forest, the group halted as a Comanche scout named Huritt came running toward them.

"I've spotted smoke to the south, about twenty miles from here," Huritt pointed out.

Emerging from the forest, the group was taken aback by the sight of smoke billowing from the city. Dean grabbed his binoculars and observed numerous Federation girls around the city with their tanks. Lowering his binoculars, Dean spoke with a heavy heart.

"It's the Alamo, boys... we've lost it," Dean's voice carried a tone of sadness.

"Unbelievable," the commandos were shocked.

"Mein Gott... That means... our commanders have been captured," one of the German Stormtroopers exclaimed.

"We must depart before we meet the same fate," Huritt urged.

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