Chapter 33

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"Man, this sucks..." Joey's voice was heard as it showed him and his crew fixing his T29 after he and the group of Saunders raided one of the Federation tank squadrons. As he was about to grab his wrench to tighten a bolt on the tank, he suddenly heard a voice and saw a petite girl from Saunders. She was sitting alone in her Sherman, looking over the radio connected to the antenna. Joey recognized the girl as Alisa, Kay's Vice Commander.

Seeing her with a look of defeat as she worked on the radio, Joey got up from his tank and told one of his crew to continue working on the tank as he would be back.

Still trying to tune the right frequency on the radio, Alisa was so engrossed in her work that she barely noticed Joey walking up to her.

"Need help?" Joey asked as he stood a few inches away from her. Alisa was startled by his sudden appearance, but she gradually relaxed and stopped working on the radio, stretching her arms.

She sighed and leaned back in her Sherman, running her hand through her hair. "You okay? You don't seem like your usual self," Joey asked as he sat down right next to her.

Alisa replied, "Yes... Maybe... I don't know. It's just that I have something on my mind."

"Well, if you want to talk about it, maybe I can help. So, what's troubling you?" Joey inquired.

"It's just you boys... I really don't understand sometimes," Alisa said, bringing her knees up and wrapping her arms around them as she continued speaking. "I just don't get it. I'm just jealous that you boys like other girls. I understand that Scott and Naomi have a thing for each other and such, including Takashi. Even though I've tried to show my feelings to him, even though I don't even talk to him, I just don't get how you other boys get the other girls while I'm just here being left out." Alisa's voice trembled as tears began to well up in her eyes.

Joey listened attentively as Alisa poured out her feelings. He could see the pain and frustration in her eyes.

"It's tough, Alisa," Joey began softly. "We all have our own experiences and paths when it comes to relationships. It might seem like others are easily finding someone, but it's not always that simple. Sometimes, it just takes time. You're an amazing person, and there's someone out there who will appreciate and cherish you for who you are."

Alisa wiped away her tears and gave a faint smile. "You think so?"

Joey nodded. "Absolutely. You're strong, talented, and caring. You've got a lot to offer, and the right person will see that. Just be patient and continue being yourself. And if you ever need someone to talk to or if you want advice, you know I'm here for you."

Alisa's smile brightened a bit more, and she hugged her knees tighter. "Thanks, Joey. I really needed to hear that."

Joey smiled back. "Anytime, Alisa. Friends look out for each other, right?"

Alisa nodded, her confidence growing. "You're right. I won't let this get me down. Thanks for being a great friend, Joey."

With their bond strengthened, Joey and Alisa sat there, talking and offering each other support in the quiet moments that followed. The scene was tense as Dean and the small squad of Rangers arrived at the League FOB with Houston and Maho in dire condition. All the Commanders from the school rushed to the front gate, their faces filled with surprise and concern.

As Houston lay there with visible bruised marks and electric burns on his body, Maho appeared to be physically fine, but mentally, she was not herself. Erika, Maho's Vice Commander, quickly rushed to help the Rangers, and the medics, including Ben, arrived with stretchers. Carefully, they laid Houston and Maho on them.

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