Chapter 13

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"Find anything on their map, Houston? Think you can locate our guys there?" Graham asked, still on the radio with him.

"No, it doesn't. They only have the layout of the important buildings, but it's just a bunch of points. I need better intel here," Houston responded over the radio.

"Right, try to find our guys there. If the federation has live ammunition for their tanks and weapons, do you think the Japanese school knows?" Graham asked, curious about this.

"Hm, I don't know, but I'm sure that these college women are not allowing those kids to use them. Anyway, I'm going to look for our guy. I'll contact you soon, Graham," Houston replied.

"Right, good luck, sir." Graham then ended the radio connection.

After the radio conversation, Houston moved the knocked-out radio operator to a different room and began tying her up. Once he was done, Houston checked on one of the bloody and beaten men from Commander Muller's unit. He checked the man's pulse; he was still breathing. As the man slowly turned his head towards Houston, he spoke weakly,

Commander Houston... Did... Did you come to rescue us?" the man whispered weakly as he looked up at Houston.

Houston knelt down beside the man and whispered back, "Yeah, I'm here to get you guys out of this mess. Can you tell me what happened here?"

The man took a labored breath before recounting, "After they captured us, they brought us here. They've been... using us for labor, working on tanks and such. Those Federation girls... they've been ruthless, beating us for the smallest things."

Houston's expression hardened as he listened. "Don't worry, we'll put an end to this. Where are the other guys?"

The man gestured weakly towards a corner of the room. "Over there... a few of us are still here in this since they took us for interrogation. But you need to be careful. They have guards posted all around."

"Thanks for the warning. Just hang in there a little longer," Houston reassured him.

Houston then made his way to the corner the man had indicated, finding a small group of battered and exhausted men huddled together. He quietly approached them and whispered, "I'm here to get you all out of here. We need to move carefully and quietly. Can you guys still walk?"

One of the men nodded, speaking in a hoarse voice, "Yeah, we can manage."

"Good. Follow my lead, and we'll find a way out of this place," Houston said, his voice determined.

As Houston guided the men towards the exit, he kept his senses sharp, cautious of any guards or potential threats. The situation was tense, but Houston's resolve was unwavering. He knew that rescuing this small group of prisoners was just the beginning.

While leading them out, Houston turned his head to one of the prisoners and spoke, "Do you know where they're keeping the rest of our guys? Do they have a designated place for all the prisoners?"

The prisoner he addressed, a rugged-looking man with dirt-streaked cheeks, nodded weakly. "Yeah, they've got a larger holding area a few floors down. It's more like a makeshift cell, and that's where they've been keeping most of us."

Houston nodded in acknowledgment. "Alright, we're going to get everyone out of here. Stick close and stay quiet."

The group moved cautiously through the dimly lit corridors, Houston leading the way with a deliberate and calculated approach. As they descended to the lower floors, the tension grew. They encountered a few guards along the way, but with Houston's skillful tactics, they managed to evade them without raising any alarm.

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