Chapter 37

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Spector of Death/The Red Ace Part 2

The Joint High School's advance into Federation territory was swift and strategic, even though Commander Chiaki and her forces outnumbered the teenagers ten to one. Wave upon wave of their tanks and infantry advanced, but after their failed attempt to take them out, it was now their turn to unleash the infantry and clear the way for their armor.

Once they had broken through the lines and gained control of the two remaining CPs, they would begin their march to the Federation Main HQ in Okata. There, the boys from the American side would ensure that their comrades who had died in Federation custody would be repaid in vengeance.

Suddenly, explosions and airsoft weapons went off as Joey, the Vice Commander, led the charge for the Russian-American group of boys in tanks and armor, with the rest of Pravda right behind them.

"Brave comrades of Grand Lake High, today we shall lay waste to the Federation Japanese! Push forward as we draw closer to one of their city bases," shouted Joey over his tank's radio as he moved forward in his T-28 tank.

"Commander Katyusha, you'll be glad to know you're with us, while Commander Graham will be leading the charge elsewhere," Joey said.

"Well, I hope we won't disappoint you, Joey. Besides, the great Katyusha will help crush them alongside you," Katyusha replied.

As the Federation Leopard tanks displayed their white surrender flags, signaling their inoperability, a sense of triumph surged through the ranks of Grand Lake's and Pravda's forces. They had successfully punched through the enemy's defensive line, and the Federation's tanks were now sitting ducks.

The Federation tanks attempted to fire back, trying to take out as many of Grand Lake's and Pravda's tanks as they could, but they were overwhelmed. Joey's platoons of infantrymen, armed with Panzerschreck rocket launchers, took precise shots at the enemy tanks, rendering them inoperable one by one. With the road to the city now open, Joey urged his comrades to press forward, fueled by their determination for vengeance.

"Push forward, my comrades! With our armor and weapons, we will tear this city apart piece by piece! With your airsoft pellets and your bare hands, do the same to their wretched soldiers!" Joey's rallying cry echoed over the radio as they moved ahead.

As they finished dealing with any remaining Leopard tanks in the open field, the two schools advanced towards the city. Pravda tanks, including Nonna in her IS-2, followed closely behind Joey and his men. Nonna observed the change in the boys' attitudes over the past five months on this island. They had always taken their matches seriously, but now they seemed more aggressive and focused than ever before.

Joey brought his tank line to a halt as they reached the outskirts of the city. The urban landscape had turned into a warzone, with Federation women using a hotel as cover against the advancing boys. Joey made a quick decision, grabbing his airsoft pistol and telling his radio operator to take command of the tanks while he led his infantry into the chaotic streets of the city. The intensity of their assault had escalated, and they were determined to make the Federation pay for their previous actions.

As Joey led his group of boys through the building, they methodically cleared each floor, ensuring that no Federation women posed a threat. Their advance was relentless, and they reached the final group of Federation women who were holed up in the hotel. The women, realizing the dire situation, began to toss their airsoft weapons to the ground and raised their hands in surrender.

"Vice Commander, look, they're surrendering!" one of the boys pointed out.

Joey, filled with anger and a desire for retribution, walked up to one of the Federation women. With a backslap, he sent her tumbling to the ground, and his voice thundered through the building.

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