Deleted Chapter 1

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(Somewhere around at the end of Chapter 4)

"Move! Come on!" shouted a Ranger.

It shows many infantry of all American high school teams moving fast, trying to secure the middle CP from the Federation, while Grand Lake is fighting Saunders High School with their tanks firing at each other, and North High is trying to push Pravda back. But it was a bitter battle for all high schools from The League and the Federation.

While Wesley and his boys from Washington Boys' and Girls' Academy are trying to hold their positions against St. Gloriana, Elijah from Kansas Chief High School was helping Wesley and his forces in this chaotic battle.

Houston, outside of his commander's hatch, was ordering his men through the radio, pointing his tank in different directions while yelling at his Rangers to support their tanks. Maho, in her Tiger tank, spotted Houston in his M4A3E8 Sherman tank.

The two had a brief stare-off as Houston was about to order Troy, his tank driver, to get ready to face a Tiger but was distracted as he spotted a Panzer IV trying to hit him from Anglerfish Team from Ooarai Academy. Scott, the gunner of the Sherman, turned the turret to the side and tried to disable the Panzer IV.

However, Maho saw this as a perfect chance and ordered her gunner to fire. As the Tiger tank fired, hitting Houston's tank, this caused Houston, who was standing outside of his command hatch, to fall off the tank and have a bad fall, which caused him to hurt his right foot.

"Got you, Yankee," Maho mumbled under her breath.

However, that shot attracted more Shermans from Davy Crockett High to chase after her. Maho then ordered her tank to move as Houston tried to stand on his feet but couldn't, as he was on one knee, trying to fend for himself while some of the Federation Sensha Do Infantry tried to attack Houston with their airsoft weapons.

But luckily, a group of Rangers came to his rescue, protecting their fallen commander as they formed a small defensive circle around Houston. Then he saw a Patton tank move to the side, and a sergeant ran towards him.

"Boss!" Jefferson shouted, wearing his battle Vice Commander uniform, as he checked on Houston.

"Defend the Boss!" Dean shouted, wearing his Davy Crockett Ranger uniform, as he ordered the nearby Rangers who were around them.

"You okay, Houston?" Jefferson asked.

"I'm fine... it's just a scratch," Houston said, grunting as he felt the pain in his right foot.

"The enemy is about to fall back... We have to get our guys and our allies' schools under control," Houston ordered.

"Roger... Cease fire!" Jefferson shouted.

"Cease fire!" Dean also shouted, trying to signal their Rangers and their tanks – Shermans, Pershings, and Chaffees – that were out there fighting, to stop what they were doing.

Meanwhile, Commander Muller in his Tiger tank continued fighting.

As Commander Muller in his Tiger tank fought against one of Pravda's tanks, he heard the shout of "Cease fire!" from Houston's men and school. He began calling it as well, ordering his men from North High School to stop fighting.

Commander Graham of Grand Lake also followed suit, calling for a cease fire for his forces. Sooner or later, many of the boys followed suit, while others continued to fight. Some boys shot at the girls who were surrendering or getting out of their disabled tanks, disregarding the rules of engagement.

Joey, the Vice Commander of Grand Lake High, spotted one of his boys holding two prisoners from Kuromorimine girls. He walked up to the boy and pulled out his airsoft pistol, firing at the two prisoners behind their backs.

"We don't take any prisoners, Private," Joey said as he moved along.

"Cease Fire! Cease Fire!" The shouts echoed all around.

Many Kuromorimine, Pravda, St. Gloriana, Ooarai, Saunders, and their minor schools began to pull back from the CP, while those trying to escape were either shot at or captured.

Meanwhile, Houston was on a stretcher being carried by his high school medics. Laying on it, Houston spoke, trying to look around and understand what was happening.

"Cease fire, damn it!" Muller shouted to his men.

"Cease fire... If they surrender, cease fire..." Houston said as he looked around, observing the chaos.

Seeing a group of girls surrendering to Wesley, he got out of his tank and heard one of the girls from Mallard Team shout, "We surrender! We surrender!" to Wesley.

"We don't accept surrender for those who try to take our sport, away!" Wesley shouted as he pulled out his airsoft pistol and shot Moyoko, who fell to the ground, pretending to be dead.

As Houston was being carried, he could still hear more airsoft shots going off. Turning to his other side, he saw many of those girls trying to escape from the Rangers, North High, and Grand Lake High infantry teams firing on them. A shout echoed in the air.

"Your orders are to take prisoners! The Marshal Commander order to take prisoners!" a voice of Graham shouted.

"Bullshit! His order is to take no prisoners!" Elijah shouted, echoing the sentiment.

A/n: So... what I'm going to do is make deleted chapter scene of the scraped idea's I had when i was making this story before some of it will be short or long that all I have to say also the next chapter of the second one is being worked on so yeah that all i have to say see you all in the next one.

-Tom out

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