Halloween Special

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The city of Pottburg was alive with Halloween spirit. The full moon cast an eerie glow over the streets, illuminating the city's Halloween decorations. Pumpkins carved with sinister grins lined the sidewalks, and cobwebs adorned the lampposts. It was clear that the High Schoolers in Pottburg were celebrating Halloween.

As the night sky rumbled with thunder, groups of American children and teenagers were out and about, sharing candies and treats. They chatted excitedly about the costumes they were planning to wear on Halloween night, a few days away. Some kids hoped to become their favorite superheroes, while others were considering more traditional spooky attire like vampires and zombies.

Meanwhile, in one of the northern sectors of the city's protective wall, a group of German-Americans gathered. They had transformed the old stone wall into their own little Halloween party spot. With airsoft World War II weapons by their side, they were engrossed in a game of poker. The flickering candlelight added an eerie touch to their card game, and the thunder in the distance only added to the atmosphere.

As the poker game continued on the stone wall, the group of German-Americans bantered back and forth, their accents mixing with the occasional laughter of the night.

"Komm schon, Hans, what have you got for us?" one of them teased as they eyed their cards.

Hans, the player whose turn it was, gave a sly smile as he pretended to scrutinize his hand. "Well, boys, I think I've got something that might just give you a fright on Halloween night." He pushed a handful of candy corn into the pot and raised the bet.

Another player, named Fritz, raised an eyebrow. "Candy corn? Really, Hans? You're betting with candy?"

Hans chuckled, "Why not? It's Halloween, after all. Besides, you know I've got some real tricks up my sleeve." With that, he revealed his cards, a pair of black cat cards, fitting for the spooky holiday.

The others groaned and tossed in their cards. "Nice one, Hans," one of them admitted as they passed the candy pot to him.

Across the makeshift card table, a player named Gretchen couldn't help but chime in, "Speaking of Halloween tricks, has anyone else seen those ghostly apparitions near the old cemetery lately? People say they've been spotted there at night."

The players exchanged nervous glances. The supernatural rumors of the cemetery had been spreading through Pottburg like wildfire. Hans, always the skeptic, scoffed. "Ach, it's probably just kids trying to spook each other. You can't trust those stories."

But as they continued their card game, the distant thunder and the eerie Halloween atmosphere reminded them that, on this night, anything seemed possible. The melding of German and American traditions, of spooky stories and Halloween fun, made for a memorable evening on the old city wall of Pottburg.

As the poker game continued, one of the players suddenly rose from his seat and informed the group that he needed to take a quick bathroom break. He left the guard station, and as he relieved himself in the cool night air, the sound of his stream echoed against the stone walls.

However, as he finished and turned to zip up his pants, he heard footsteps approaching him. The German guard furrowed his brow, thinking it was his friend Henrich.

"Henrich, is that you? What are you doing out here? I thought you were—" His words caught in his throat as he realized something was terribly wrong. Henrich was moving in a strange, zombie-like manner, his eyes vacant and glassy, and he emitted a low, guttural moan.

Back at the poker game, the guards were engrossed in their cards when the scream pierced the night, causing them to jump in alarm. They dropped their cards and quickly grabbed their MP-40 airsoft weapons, the eerie atmosphere of Halloween night suddenly turning far more ominous.

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