Chapter Nineteen: Hidden Past

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This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divine Music

My mom starts talking, "I want to start this off but you're going to have to wake up your buddy inside you." I looked at her in shock, "You mean Albion?" "Yes." My Sacred Gear activates and Albion says, [Hello Mrs. Nicholson it's a pleasure to meet my host's mother] "Yes it's a pleasure as well for me but time for me to come clean about our family history. I guess I should start with our name. Nicholson isn't actually our last name. Our last name and this will shock you Albion. Is Gwiber." Albion then gasped in shock [N-No it can't be. You're my descendants] "Jake is. I just married a dragon that was your descendant. Jake, your real father is the grandson of your buddy Albion. Your fathers name is Revere. The reason your father isn't around today is obviously because he died, but he didn't die from regular things like natural causes. He died to place a seal on you to hide your power, draconic nature, and your draconian looks. But now that you awakened Balance Breaker the seal has started to crack and reveal your true self." I then asked, "Then mom what are you? You're a human right?" "Yes I'm a human but I'm able to use magic. That's why I was able to find your father and fall in love with him. However enough of that on to your personality switches. I'm sorry to say but I have no way to stop it. We just held that back without thinking about the after effects. Slowly you are going to turn into that person and you might even slowly lose your memories of this current you." I then ask, "But why did you seal my powers and part of me away?" "First we wanted you to live a normal life until adulthood or until you broke through the seal by amassing power and second and most importantly, you had a Concept way too powerful than your body could handle. So we placed a seal on you and we knew it wasn't strong enough so your dad went to the Ouroboros Dragon or as in other names The Dragon God Of Infinity Ophis to put one of her sigils on it so it would last until you broke through it with your power." I then asked, "What's a Concept?" "A Concept is a powerful and extremely rare trait only found in a few individuals for example Albion, he has the Concept of Supremacy and Ddraig has the Concept of Domination." I then ask, "Then if I have a Concept what is mine?" "Your Concept is Time." Me and Albion scream [WHAT] "So you see what I mean." Albion then said [Jake do you realize the potential of this power you could become the 4th and strongest dragon god to ever exist] I then said, "4th? Who is the last one I know of Great Red and Ophis." My mom spoke up, "Yea Albion who is it, even I don't know." Albion started to speak, [He is currently living in purgatory right now The Dragon God Of Annihilation Bahamut] For some reason that name sent shivers down my spine. I then said, "Then what would my name be?" [Dunno. Us dragons never pick our own name. They are chosen for us by the 3 Factions] "I hope I get a cool name." [You probably will. But I think we should call Great Red here] My mom was shocked when she heard Albion say Great Red's name so casually. My mom then said, "How can you speak his name so casually?!" I said, "Well we met before and talked to him, we're actually good friends." I then make a magic circle next to my ear and then I hear a voice [Whats up Jake I'm flying around in the dimension gap right now] "Yea I want to ask a favor so can you teleport to me I'll give you the coordinates" [Alright I got them. So you moved to the UK] "Yup." [I'll be there in a sec] In the next 4 seconds a red magic circle formed on the ground in front of me. Then you see Great Red rising out of it in his human form. My mom bows as she says, "It's a pleasure to meet you Great Red." Now talking in his human voice, "No it's alright and you don't need to be formal with me we're dragons so we don't care about formalities." "Yes sir." I then said, "Hey Red I need to ask you a question. It's about the concepts." Great Red raised his eyebrow as that word Concept piqued his interest. "So you finally realized the Concept in you is Time right?" "Yes my mother told me and I wanted to know how to use it." Great Red just laughed loudly, "Phfff AHAHAHA, you really think your going to be able to use your Concept as weak as you are right now you're body is barely strong enough to even contain it. Your strength is going to need to be on par with mine to even use your Concept without dying." Now talking in a serious tone, "Seriously your Concept is by far more powerful than mine, Ophis, Bahamut, and The Trihexa aka 666. And on top of having a Concept which is unheard of you're also the White Dragon Emperor and his Descendant. I'm not kidding when I say this, but your existence shouldn't have even happened the probability of having all of those is just a joke. Even if this Universe took its full course of living a full 40 Billion years. A person like you wouldn't appear once. Not even if this universe repeated for Billions upon Billions of times. The reason I'm not saying this for myself is because I was born as soon as the universe was created so I was born with strength. Ophis, Bahamut and The God Of The Bible was beside me too." Me and my mom are slack jawed. My mom is now thinking, 'My son is the most rarest thing to ever happen in the universe.' I then said, "Okay it's weird for me to know that I should have existed." Great Red starts speaking again, "Also I wanted to congratulate you on the engagement." As that left his mouth my body tensed up as I feel murderous intent behind me. My mom with a sweet face with an extreme hidden amount of anger said, "Hey honey, so when were you planning to tell me you proposed to Akeno. And at such a young age no less." Great Red was about to speak to my defense but my mom shut him up with a death glare that scared even him. "Hell hath no fury like a mother's scorned." Great Red finally figured out what that meant. I then said to my mom, "But I'm a dragon. Our race is known for finding mates faster than humans. And I did plan on telling you soon." Turns out this was the wrong thing to say. "I don't care what race you are but marrying at the age of 17 is a big mistake." I then retaliated, "You don't know Akeno as well as I do. If she disappears from my life I will literally want to die." "Don't say that you're going to make me feel bad." "No I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you." Then Great Red coughed to get our attention, "Can you guys get on with this I know there's more." My mom said, "Yea, I also wanted to tell you Jake. If you don't want to turn back into the person you once were then you'll have to be a regular human. Meaning stop using your powers, all of them." Then Albion spoke up, [I truly understand partner if you never activate me again. You are my great grandson after all I want the best for you] "Thanks Albion." Great Red then said something that'll shock everyone, "Jake you don't have to seal your powers, because since your seal on your power is already cracking you're going to turn back into the person you once were regardless of what you do." All I said was, "Okay" then I left to go to my room.

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