chapter 1

117 5 41

Friday, 1st September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


„Hey!", Liam greeted his family when Robin brought the girls over for dinner. "I've missed you!", he told his daughters and hugged Victoria and Audrey at the same time, kissing their heads. "Go wash your hands, Lydia is in the kitchen.", he told them. "And I've missed you, too.", he grinned at his baby.

"Maddy has missed her dad as well, right Honey?", his ex-girlfriend asked the nine-month-old and handed her to the redhead. "Alright, I'm gonna go and I'll take them home on Sunday after dinner at your parents' house, yeah?"

"Wait, why don't you stay and eat with us?", the twenty-four-year-old suggested softly. "We've cooked enough food.", he explained and stepped aside for Robin to come in if she wanted to.

"Well...", the brunette replied, unsure about what she wanted to decide. She didn't really like Liam's new girlfriend because she acted like she was the girls' mother, which, honestly, she wasn't. She was hardly a stepmom since they had been together for only two months.

"What? Do you have a date?", her ex teased and gently nudged her, causing her to shake her head and finally come in. She had always loved Liam's food and still did, even if it was pathetic.

"I have one tomorrow.", Robin informed him and winked, kind of excited. He guided her into the kitchen, where the girls' eyes lit up upon seeing their mother join them for dinner in their father's home. "Hey, Lydia."

"Hi, Robin.", the blonde offered her a smile, which, in the twenty-three-year-old's opinion, was fake. But she didn't want to destroy her friendship with Liam, which meant she had to accept his new girlfriend. "Please sit."

"Thanks.", the brunette said and took a seat next to Audrey while Victoria was sitting across from her in between her father and Lydia. "Thank you for having me.", she told the couple, but mostly her ex-boyfriend.

"Of course, you're family.", Lydia responded. "Right, Girls?", she asked the kids, making it sound like Robin was the one who wasn't related to them and barely considered a part of the family.

"Yes!", the four-year-old and six-year-old said at the same time. "Mommy, we are going to the zoo tomorrow.", Victoria, who was a mama's girl, shared excitedly. "And I cannot wait to see the ducks!", she grinned.

"The ducks?", Liam wondered in disbelief. "You can see ducks at the lake near the park all the time.", he reminded his daughter. "We're going to the zoo for you to see animals you otherwise could not.", he chuckled.

"Oh, come on, Babe!", his girlfriend meddled and smiled at the little girl. "We are going to take extra time for watching the ducks, Sweetie.", she promised. "For the giraffes as well, Love.", she addressed her boyfriend's other daughter and tapped her nose.

After dinner, they brought the children to bed and Lydia was today's chosen one, meaning she was reading to Audrey and Victoria while Liam was putting the baby down together with Robin.

"So, have fun at your date tomorrow.", the redhead told his ex and smiled at her. "I wanna know all the details on Sunday.", he winked at her. They were still very good friends, even if it hadn't worked out romantically for them.

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