chapter 7

42 3 8

still Sunday, 3rd September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Sit.", Owen told his daughter, who then reminded him of the fact that she wasn't a dog but a human being. Speaking of dogs, they were currently being walked by Mira and Harriet since Eva was already sleeping.

"Guys, I want this to be a nice conversation in which everybody is considered an equal and kind to each other.", Amelia informed her two family members, already fearing the next fight between her husband and child.

"Me too.", both of them grumbled. "If we are considered equals, I want someone with me as well. Two against one is unfair. We need a person that's going to be the mediator.", Lily pointed out.

"Fair.", her father decided, even though he thought about it as somewhat silly, but if his kid felt better this way, why would he say something against it. "I'd suggest Luca since you can only choose between him and Leo right now, but you can pick whoever you want."

"Luca's fine.", the sixteen-year-old agreed with a nod. She and her brother weren't that close, which was probably because Liam was her favorite sibling, but they still got along very well, and Luca was probably the more mature and neutral choice when it came to a choice between him and Leo.

"Okay, I'll go get him.", Amelia announced and got up to get her son from his room. "Hi, are you up for being your sister's attorney?", she joked, causing the twenty-three-year-old to put down his book and look at his mother in confusion. "We wanna talk to Lily about her behavior and she requested a back-up."

"Yeah, sure.", Luca replied and let her help him into his wheelchair before he started rolling towards the kitchen, where his family members were sitting at the dining table. "Let's do this.", he suggested.

"We don't want you to go to parties all the time.", Owen repeated his words from earlier today. "That doesn't mean you can't ever go to any, but it means you are supposed to decrease your current amount."

"I told you it's my hobby!", Lily argued annoyed and rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "You never tell Leo to stop gaming although you hate that as well. Honestly, how come that you two do not like whatever we do?"

"Calm down, Lils.", her brother requested softly and gently touched her arm. "We are going to get your point across without yelling, okay?", he questioned, causing the young brunette to sigh but nod. "I mean, she is right. No matter what the two of them like doing, you hate.", he shrugged.

"That's only because they want to either game or party.", their mother supported her husband. "We don't mind Leo attending soccer or Lily doing gymnastics.", she explained.

"And what's the difference?", the sixteen-year-old wondered. "Seriously, you were partying through your teenage years as well, Mom.", she reminded the neurosurgeon. "Look, school's starting again tomorrow, and I get that I cannot attend like three parties a week anymore. But one on the weekends should be fine."

"That's too much.", her father immediately answered. His preferred outcome of this conversation was a complete ban of parties, but he was aware that he probably wasn't going to get his will.

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