chapter 30

28 2 9

Sunday, 25th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"You really want me to rate the Italian food that you cooked?", Amelia questioned again to make sure she understood the rules right. Owen, Mira, Luca, and Harriet had had their turn today. It was common knowledge that her husband was brilliant at cooking, especially Italian dishes.

"Maybe compare it with the other three times we've cooked for you and then make your choice.", Katie told her mother-in-law confusing her even more. "You gave a nine for the English food, an eight for Spanish dishes, and a 7.5 for the French lunch last week.", she reminded her.

"Fine. Compared to the other cuisines it's an 8.5.", the neurosurgeon decided. "And what now? Why was I the only one who had to rate the four lunches?", she wondered, still confused.

"Because you just picked yourself a Christmas family vacation in London without knowing it.", Finn informed his mother. He could be there today since he was going to pull the nightshift later.

"I...what?", the brunette questioned, not able to believe it. Her eyes lit up as she looked at every single person at the grown-up table. She had always wanted to go on a family vacation on Christmas, but it had never seemed like a realistic option, considering they were so many people. "But we are a family of 26 and counting right now. Also, it's late September, there's no way we can still book something for all of us."

"Already taken care of.", Liam smirked. "We've booked hotel rooms in London, Rome, Málaga, and Paris, and made sure we'd be able to cancel the reservations that we don't need.", he explained, happy to see his mother so excited.

"And what about Ruby? She's going to be very pregnant...", Amelia pointed out, trying to find something that could be the reason none of this would happen, which her husband noticed, so he put his hand on top of hers.

"She'll be fine, Babe. The seventh pregnancy month is still okay. She's just going to have to get a certificate of her still being able to fly.", Owen answered softly. He could see how many more questions his wife had and chuckled. "You get to ask one more question, after that, Mira wanted to tell us her decision."

"Not to kill the mood, but what about Lydia? Didn't you book for her as well? And you two are coming too or are you staying here?", his wife addressed Carolyn and Evelyn. "Also, who's taking the dogs?"

"Those were four questions.", her mother realized. "It's going to be one less person, it is as simple as that. Liam and Robin won't share a room after all.", she informed Amelia, sometimes a little too insensitive. "And I'm sorry Honey, but Evelyn and I will stay here and celebrate with Derek's, Megan's, and Teddy's families. We are simply too old to do such travelling to one of the busiest cities worldwide when it's Christmas. The dogs will stay with me at Derek's."

"Okay, thank you.", the neurosurgeon replied and smiled. "I think I can manage to change the topic for about ten minutes.", she joked. "So, what's your decision, Miri?", she wanted to know from her daughter.

"I want Brandon to be in Eva's life.", the twenty-year-old said, watching her father's facial expression change. She had been careful to share the news quietly, which didn't matter anymore once her dad responded to her decision.

"What?", the redhead questioned firmly. "Are you crazy? He doesn't deserve that.", he told her his point of view, grabbing the children's attention meanwhile, which Amelia noticed too.

"Owen, bedroom, now!", she ordered, getting up and pulling him with her. Once she had closed the door, she turned back around to him. "This is not your decision to make. Eva is not your daughter."

"She's my granddaughter though.", Owen reminded her angrily. "Brandon left her when she was pregnant and he was not the person who was there for her every step of the way.", he added.

"She is, yeah.", his wife agreed, ignoring the second statement. "And you love her. So, your initial reaction to Mira's decision should be that you're happy for your grandchild because she will get a chance to have her father in her life instead of holding some grudge against him. People can change, you know that."

"Dad?", their twenty-year-old daughter interrupted them, hurt by the fact that her father didn't even look at her when she walked in. She unsurely glanced at her mother and let her wrap her arm around her. "I appreciate your concern, you know? But it's more about me than about Eva. Brandon hurt me back then, but I am sure that he would never hurt our daughter, otherwise I wouldn't have made this choice."

"You're twenty, you are basically still a child and not capable of making such groundbreaking decisions.", the trauma surgeon argued, not seeing Mira's sad facial expression since he still wasn't looking at her.

"Owen!", Amelia scolded him in shock. "Honestly Love, I don't think this makes sense right now. Let's go back and have lunch while your father can stay here moping around.", she sighed. Her daughter just nodded and silently took her seat again.

"What happened?", Ryan mouthed towards his mother, which caused everyone to glance at her in worry after doing so with Mira. The brunette mouthed a "not now" back before she shook her head.

"So, as for next week, is it possible for you to take the kids?", Ruby chose to change the topic once again, aware of how much her sister hated being pitied. She looked directly at her mom again.

"All of them?", the neurosurgeon asked, which her children answered by nodding. "I mean, it's only eight kids. If the four of us take care of them, that should work.", she figured since the two grandmas and she and Owen wouldn't stay at the party during the teenagers' and young adults' time at the indoor playground.

"Only eight kids...the woman has been through it.", Liam huffed, just joking around. For him, their three daughters were already a lot and probably enough. Although, he did wonder sometimes if his fourth child would be a son. But right now, that wasn't in the cards for him anyway.

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