chapter 33

20 2 6

Friday, 30th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 25; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 25; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 25; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Hi everyone, thank you so much for coming.", Ruby said. "The seating arrangement is merely a suggestion for right now when there's cake and snacks. You can sit wherever you want after and talk to whoever you want."

"Since we know that the children are super excited to use the playground, we figured we would make our announcement right away.", Ethan continued. "As you all know, Ruby and I are expecting twins. One is a boy, and one is a girl. Leo, Lily, I can't believe you actually kept it to yourself all day, but now is your time to shine."

"Their names are Willow and Jonathan, John for short.", the sixteen-year-olds said at the same time. "Named after willow from Evermore and Dear John from Speak Now aka Taylor Swift songs.", the young blonde shared.

"Why, you ask? Maybe just talk to this crazy couple right here about that.", Lily chuckled. "But I stan the choice to name your kids after songs of the queen herself.", she pointed out before she walked back to the teenager table together with her brother. Everyone cheered, clapped, and congratulated the couple.

"Can I still nickname them All Too Well and ten-minute version?", Liam joked. He was sitting next to his same-aged sister, who scoffed and laughed. His ex-girlfriend just nudged him and shook her head.

"Shut up!", Robin whispered in his ear as she smiled. Between them was their baby and to her right sat Audrey, excitedly chatting Camilla's ear off about some story of a rabbit she had been read to days ago.

"And if that wasn't enough attention-grabbing for today already...", Ethan changed the topic, still standing next to Ruby before going down on one knee in front of her and pulling a ring out of his pocket.

Everybody gasped and started beaming. Amelia and Owen shared a knowing glance, they had been expecting this for a while. Finn and Dennis looked at each other, happy for the couple but aware that they themselves weren't ready for marriage yet.

Liam couldn't look at Robin. He had wanted this too for so long, and she wasn't ready to give it to him. She never would be. And while he really wanted to let go of his dream, whenever he saw one of his siblings get engaged or even married, he felt his heart ache. That didn't mean he wasn't happy for Ruby.

"I have loved you for years now. The way we met could be described as inconvenient. Two teenagers craving drugs, but their parents just wouldn't let them take those. Instead, they sent us to rehab, where we made friends with the beautiful couple over there.", the blonde continued his proposal, pointing at Camilla and Tony. Mateo was sitting in his father's lap, cutely waving at his mother's best friend, who smiled and waved back. "And we slowly fell in love. I have never stopped falling for you and love you more with every single day that passes. We live together, we work together, we will raise our family together, we laugh and cry together, we do basically everything together, until you openly tell me that you need me-time, and we choose to do something without each other. You're the love of my life, the mother of my children, my very best friend, and my soulmate, Ruby Hunt. So, I want to ask you the famous question today in front of everybody after spoiling it to you a few days ago already, so you wouldn't feel overwhelmed and forced to say yes. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and become my wife?"

"YES!", his fiancé instantly replied and let him slip the ring on her finger as he got up to kiss and hug her. Again, their families and friends cheered and congratulated them. "Okay, enjoy the cake now and I think, it's time for the kiddos to finally get to use the indoor playground after, they have waited long enough."


"You look so good with a baby in your arms, Honey.", Tina approached her soon-to-be-daughter-in-law, who was currently holding Madelyn. Ruby turned towards her and beamed.

"Thank you. I hope I'll still look good with two babies in my arms.", the twenty-five-year-old joked. "But I have to admit that Maddy is such an easy baby. My brother's older two weren't that calm as infants.", she chuckled.

"Ethan was no calm baby either, so I hope that when it comes to your twins, they aren't like him in matters of sleeping.", her counterpart made fun of her son, making his fiancé laugh. "I am so happy for you two. You've come so far."

"Thank you so much, Tina. That means the world to me. I mean, we have always gotten along so well, but when I look at my siblings' in-laws...Katie's parents aren't in the picture, neither are Dennis'. Robin's are always travelling somewhere, although they are pretty nice generally. So, I am just glad that you guys are around. I want our kids to have both pairs of grandparents.", Ruby opened up.

"You will never have to worry about it, Dear. We are always going to be in your corner, just like your parents. Speaking of which, I gotta find your mother, we wanted to agree on a date for a boardgame evening.", Ethan's mom informed the young brunette, kissed her cheek, caressed the baby's cheek, and then went to go find Amelia.


"Mason, do not climb up there. Just because you can get up, doesn't mean you will be able to get back down. There's a toddler section for a reason.", Dennis argued with his two-year-old-son, who would sometimes pretend to have left his ears at home and therefore wasn't listening at all. "MASON!"

"Mason, Sweetie.", Addison walked up to help. The boy had some hyper fixation with her and loved her a lot. "I've been meaning to ask if you wanted to try out the big swing over there with me. It's free right now.", she suggested to the small child, who stopped in his tracks and curiously eyed the swing.

"Yeah, me wanna!", the tiny brunette decided and let her get him from the climbing frame. "Bye, Daddy!", he giggled, causing Dennis to roll his eyes behind his back before he gave Addison a grateful look. She nodded, offering him a smile.

"Your son can be such a nightmare.", the twenty-four-year-old pouted exhausted, sitting down next to his boyfriend at the table, stealing a bite of his cupcake. Finn chuckled, not missing the way he had called Mason only his because of his behavior.

"Uh-huh.", Megan agreed. "Actually, sometimes he reminds me of little Liam. He could be such a whirlwind and so annoying at times.", she smirked, remembering the time when the kids were still small.

"Hey, I can hear you, Auntie.", said person joined the conversation, taking a seat next to his godmother. "He's testing his boundaries.", he advised. "Victoria is having a hard time right now as well. Today, you wouldn't notice because she's too excited to be here. But at times, she can be really upset with us. She hates that we aren't together anymore and can barely handle it."

"Look at you all grown up.", Teddy also started to accompany the small group. She was holding hers and Megan's grandchild Alan, Fiona and Daniel's kid. Her youngest were thirteen now and starting puberty.

"Owen and Amelia really have done such a good job with all of you.", her best friend pointed out. The triplets were 25 today, and she couldn't really believe it. "Although you guys are so grown up now, you will always remain our tiny babies.", the trauma surgeon said.

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