chapter 10

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a/n: I once again forgot about the fact that kids in America go to kindergarten when they're about five years old and after they have attended pre-school. I should have called it daycare. Here in Germany, it's all called kindergarten and kids go there from ages 3 to 6, so I'm sorry for any confusion. What I mean with Eva going to kindergarten is her being at some daycare. :) I am going to change the wording soonish as long as the story is still rather short.

Monday, 5th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Hi. I am here to pick up Eva.", Owen told the kindergarten teacher, who called for the small girl to inform her that she would be going home. The toddler's eyes lit up as she stopped playing with her friends and stumbled into her grandpa's arms. "Hey, my Love."

"You came, Granpa!", the little redhead beamed, hugging him tightly. "I'm gonna put my jacket on.", she decided once she was back on her feet. "Bye, Mrs. Woods.", she said and waved, getting ready to leave.

"Yeah, I missed my little sunshine.", the trauma surgeon told the girl and let her grab his hand once she was done putting on her clothes. "And Harriet told me to get you after your nap if I had time."

"Granpa?", the three-year-old started another conversation, totally oblivious of its depth. "Today, we tawked about our mamas. Is Harriet my mama too?", she wondered innocently.

"Uhm...well, that is not easy to answer, Honey.", Owen slowly began with his response. If his daughter and her best friend weren't just that but a couple, he would have known what to say. And sometimes, he felt like there could be more between the two girls. But it wasn't his place to meddle.

Plus, he didn't know how much Eva knew about Brandon being her father and having abandoned her and her mother before the baby had even been born. His granddaughter curiously glanced up at him with her big blue eyes, awaiting an answer she could understand.

"Does she feel like a mama to you?", the redhead chose to tackle the topic in another way, leaving room for Mira and Harriet to actually talk about it to the toddler, who wasn't wasting any second as she heavily nodded.

"Yeah!", Eva excitedly exclaimed, always happy to think about either Harriet or her mother. "Does it mean she is my mama too?", she questioned again, feeling like she had already figured that out.

"Well, it's a very obvious sign that you want her to be. How about we talk to mommy and Harriet and ask them what they think about the situation? Does that sound like a plan, Baby?", Owen asked softly, causing the tiny girl to agree by nodding again.


Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months


"Hi, Daddy!", Audrey screamed when her father brought her big sister home before dinner after their riding lessons. She happily jumped into his arms to give him a big hug. Liam took his sweet time, snuggling with his sandwich kid, and then took Madelyn from his ex-girlfriend to cuddle her too.

"Hey.", he greeted his best friend as well, who had gotten a tight embrace from her oldest daughter before Victoria had left to change for dinner. "Isn't she going to say bye to me?", he fake-pouted since he had spent a lot of time with his six-year-old today already. "Sorry for being late, but the rain is crazy, so I drove a little slower than usually."

"You will stay here anyway until she does say goodbye to you.", Robin chuckled. "Lydia's working tonight, isn't she?", she tried to remember, causing the redhead to nod as he got up with both smaller kids in his arms. "Then just stay for dinner. I had lunch with Ruby and Ethan today.", she shared.

"Thanks.", Liam smiled. It was kind of their thing. Whenever Lydia was working at night and Robin wasn't busy with a date or something like that, they still had family meals with the children to make sure the girls weren't missing out on time with both parents. "How are they? I mean, I saw them yesterday, but Eth gets more nervous with every day that passes.", he joked.

"Pretty good. He's great with Maddy, I think we both know that. Eth is super nervous, but I strongly believe he's got the whole thing covered and can't wait for the twins.", the brunette responded. "Vicky, dinner is getting cold.", she yelled and kind of lied since the dishes weren't served yet. But knowing her daughter, it would take five more minutes for her to appear anyway.

"Mama cooked.", her ex-boyfriend told the baby in a high-pitched voice, exciting the little one in the process. "Once we've brought them to bed, you have to show me all the pictures you took this morning. Sending me only three of them isn't enough.", he chuckled.

"Yes, Sir.", Robin laughed at their playful manner. "We are having mashed potatoes with meatballs and peas by the way. Now that you're here, I am assigning you the task of getting your kids to eat their vegetables."

"How kind of you.", her best friend ironically replied. "Won't be a problem with the baby since she loves everything and doesn't even have to chew it because we always turn it into baby food."

"Daddy, can you read with us tonight?", Audrey wondered cutely. She was more of a quiet child but grew rather confident when it came to asking for something to get her will. In comparison to her big sister, she was also a daddy's girl.

"Yes, all four of us can read together once we've gotten your baby sister ready for bed and made her fall asleep.", Liam promised his sandwich kid and kissed her head. "Vicky, so nice of you to finally join us.", he joked again, causing his daughter's face to light up as she realized her father was going to be here for their evening routine.


Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16


When Amelia came home at night, she peaked into the living room, where she found Luca, Harriet, and Mira play some game. She had eaten dinner at the hospital and decided to immediately get ready for bed.

The storm outside had caused her to take almost a whole hour for the way she usually needed about twenty to thirty minutes for. And since she had to pull the early-shift tomorrow morning, the brunette was just tired.

She said good night to the three kids and walked into the bedroom after, only to find Lily and Leo in her and Owen's bed. Amelia stopped for a moment to just watch them sleep somewhat peacefully. Both of them were afraid of storms.

Leo always had been and Lily had somehow started to be scared of them as well when she had been about eight. The dogs were sleeping in their beds next to the wardrobe. The neurosurgeon smiled and chuckled, finally getting ready for bed before she joined her two youngest children and climbed into the middle.

"Mom, we are scared.", her son explained to her in a sleepy mumble, scooting closer to her and snuggling into the protective arms of his mother. So did Lily about a minute later after waking up to the shuffling on the bed.

"We wanna sleep in here with you.", his sister stated the obvious, already feeling much better with her mom home. Amelia gently kissed their heads. Most of the time, both teenagers wanted to come off as older than they actually were, but in moments like this, they didn't care about their appearance and enjoyed being the babies of the family.

"I know you are afraid, Sweeties. You can sleep in here with me, dad won't be home before 7 anyway. And if he was, he would still fit in the bed with us. It's late though, so good night. I love you!", their mother replied, closing her eyes too.

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