chapter 22

26 2 5

still Friday, 16th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


While it was naptime for Mason, Dennis decided to try again. He had brought the boy to bed after lunch and was now finding Finn in the kitchen, looking through some medical journal.

"I want to talk, please.", the young brunette informed his boyfriend, who glanced up at him and closed the book meanwhile. "I know I made a mistake yesterday. Well, several. But while what I said to you and driving home drunk was crap, I had reasons."

"Yes, let's talk. I understand that you had reasons for your outburst, but what I don't get is how you could choose such an irresponsible action instead of speaking to me directly. I mean, we talked about marriage just a few days ago, but if you feel like you cannot even speak to me, then that is not a great foundation for being a married couple.", Finn explained. "Also, I would never say something so untrue and hurtful to your face, just to be clear."

"I was out of line, and I apologize for that.", Dennis replied and sighed. "But I do feel like you're always at work and basically never home. As I said, if my job had fixed times and schedules as well, we wouldn't be able to live this life."

"Still, I don't understand why you are coming up with that now. Before we impregnated the surrogate mother with your sperm, you should have said something. And don't twist my words into me not wanting Mason or similar shit.", the young redhead warned his boyfriend upset.

"I didn't realize that having a kid would be that much work, to be honest. Also, I hadn't put one and one together, so I wasn't aware of the fact that you would barely be around.", his counterpart defended himself.

"So, what do you want us, or specifically me, to do now? I will not give up my job. If it bothers you this much that you're here by yourself with our son so often, I either have to take him with me to daycare all the time, or we can hire a nanny until he attends pre-school.", Finn suggested.

"He enjoys daycare at the hospital, so I don't see why we aren't already doing that.", Dennis answered and frowned. "Look, it's not that I don't ever want to have him home with me. But just because I have my office here and work from home, doesn't mean that Mason can be around all the time."

"I understand that. But if this is such a drastic problem for you, why didn't you just speak up earlier?", his boyfriend questioned confused. "Whatever, so how about he comes with me whenever I pull the early shift and when I am gone throughout the day until the afternoon. I think the late shift isn't an option anymore, because we should not ruin his sleep schedule."

"Sounds like a plan. That gives me a few mornings and a few hours of the afternoon to just work without interruptions. Do you think Leo would come here sometimes until dinner to watch him whenever you are pulling the late shift? I mean, he wanted to find a mini job and we would obviously pay him.", the young brunette made another suggestion.

"Maybe. I'll just text him in a minute. It gets relevant from Monday on, but he has soccer practice on Mondays, so we have to find another solution then.", Finn remembered and sighed since that was kind of harder than he had expected.

"You aren't working the late shift every Monday. And in case you do, I can make an exception.", his boyfriend decided, causing the twenty-four-year-old to finish scribbling down the planned schedule. "I am sorry again. I should have handled the situation differently and I definitely will in the future."

"I want to forgive you and I eventually will, but I am not ready yet and you have to understand that. What you said to me yesterday was one of the most hurtful things somebody ever insulted me with.", his counterpart shared, before he focused back on his medical journal.


Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months


Since all the kids had left the room for lunch break, Liam pulled out his phone to check if he had gotten a message during the day. Robin had texted him a few minutes ago, so he opened the messenger.

Robin: Hi, I was wondering if I could spend the weekend at your house with you guys? There's construction work going on in my apartment complex and I think the last weekend was fun for the girls. Also, I could stay with Maddy and Audrey while you're taking Victoria over to Ruby for her keyboard lesson. Just wanted to know what you think about the idea. :)

Liam: Well, yeah, sounds pretty good. I am done at 3, as always. If you could pick up Audrey from pre-school once you're ready to come over, and pay the nanny for today, I could take Vicky for some ice cream before I bring her to my sister's apartment. And on the way home, I can get stuff for snack time for the three of you as well. I'll pay you back, of course.

Robin: Alrighty, let's do it that way. My last clients leave at 1. Then, I'll pack my stuff and get the kids. See you later!

Liam: Yep. See ya. :)

Although he was really confused about them spending so much time together again, he couldn't pretend that he wasn't enjoying it. Robin was still his best friend and the mother of his children, and after the nasty break-up with Lydia, he was happy to have somebody around to talk to.


Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Okay Guys, I'll go nap a bit before I have to work later.", Amelia announced, because she would be pulling a nightshift today. "Tomorrow is my day off, but I will probably stop at PetSmart after work, so I can prepare the fur babies' birthday party on Sunday. And if I still have time, I can also organize breakfast for us humans."

"You have your priorities straight.", Luca noticed and chuckled. "Hey! Did you even rate the English food from last Sunday?", he wondered and frowned at his mother, whose eyes widened.

"Not yet, but I'll do that in a second when I am in bed, promise.", the neurosurgeon replied and went off, after kissing Eva's cheek. By now, they had come inside. Lily and Leo were in their rooms, and Mira and Luca were playing with the three-year-old.

"I'll join you.", Owen decided softly and got up as well. "So, what are you gonna rate the English lunch?", he curiously asked his wife as they had settled into their bed, together with Chewie, who was laying at the end of the bed, already snoozing.

"Probably a 9. But I still don't understand why I am the only one supposed to rate the food. Whatever though, I'll text the family group chat.", she informed her husband and shrugged as she unlocked her phone.

Before she could even start writing, she got a phone call from an unknown number. Confused, Amelia locked eyes with the redhead. Then, she decided to take the call and put it on speaker.

"An inmate from Seattle prison is trying to call you. To take the call, please press one.", were the words of an automized female voice. Words, the couple had not expected right now.

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