chapter 21

24 2 8

Friday, 16th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Lily, your alarm.", Owen mumbled into his pillow, well aware of the fact that it was his own phone that was currently ringing them awake since his daughter was sleeping in the middle and therefore definitely not able to reach the nightstand.

"Turn it off.", the sixteen-year-old begged grumpily, keeping her eyes closed for a moment longer. When she felt her father nudge her, she groaned and sat up to climb out of her parents' bed. "If Leo is not awake by himself, I won't wake him."

"Oh, come on!", the trauma surgeon complained. "It's my day off, and your mother has to pull the nightshift. Just let us stay in bed, please.", he begged, noticing how his wife remained unbothered by their conversation, acting as if she was still asleep.

"Fine.", the young brunette agreed, but not without rolling her eyes at her dad. "I think Mira and Eva are having breakfast already.", she shared and yawned before she finally left the bedroom.

"I hate alarms. Especially when they aren't my own.", Amelia finally said something, but it was barely understandable since she was mumbling into her pillow, causing her husband to chuckle and scoot closer. "But I do love my personal heater.", she smiled a little when Owen wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.


Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2


"Hey, good morning.", Dennis greeted his son, who was already having breakfast with his other father. The brunette had taken a shower to make sure he wasn't smelling like alcohol anymore. Yesterday evening was kind of a blur for him, but not blurry enough that he couldn't remember the hurtful words he had spat at his boyfriend.

"DADDY!", Mason beamed and reached his tiny arms up for an embrace, not noticing the tension between his parents. "We havin' donuts. Dada brought you your favorites too.", he explained excitedly.

"Wow, how great.", the twenty-four-year-old replied, before he finally dared to make eye contact with Finn, who wasn't looking too happy. "Thank you, Babe.", he gratefully told his boyfriend, but he just nodded in response before he sipped on his coffee. "When's your meeting with your siblings this month?", he tried to make conversation.

The eight Hunt siblings met once a month to catch up with each other and have dinner together, without their parents, children, and partners. It had become tradition, but it also wasn't too easy to find a date every single month on which they all had time, and which also wasn't a Sunday.

"Next Friday.", Finn answered, his short response signaled his boyfriend that he wasn't in the mood to have a conversation with him right now. "Mason, Honey, do you want to come grocery shopping with dada later?", he offered his son.

"And a toy too?", the two-year-old wondered excitedly. He loved getting new toys, but oftentimes his parents were convinced he had enough to play with already and therefore, he didn't always get new ones.

"Maybe, if we find one you really wanna have.", the young redhead partly agreed and winked at his toddler, whose face lit up. "You can use the time to finish one of your drawings.", he addressed Dennis, before he left the table to get ready for the day.


Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25


"Honestly, I don't feel like I am only four months pregnant, I rather feel like a whale.", Ruby joked. "I'm going to think of a new song text. You can either do some manager stuff or design some media.", she told her boyfriend and let him give her a kiss.

"Sounds good. If you need me, just yell.", the young blonde smiled at her. "Are you comfortable enough?", he worried softly, causing her to nod. "Alrighty. But don't forget to prepare your keyboard lesson for later."

"Oh God, it's already Friday.", the twenty-four-year-old realized in shock, her eyes widening. "Pregnancy brain, thanks for looking out for me.", she giggled, making her boyfriend chuckle.

"Anytime. Don't want you to panic later. Although honestly, it's just one of our nieces you're teaching and well, Emily is also basically family. I mean, she's Henry's daughter.", Ethan figured, before he left the room to get to work. "Oh, and also, their parents even bring them here.", he added after peeking into the room once more.

"Well, that is true.", his girlfriend now talked to herself, since he had disappeared. "Okay Babies, how about we let mama work now, huh?", she suggested to the tiny troublemakers inside of her belly as she rubbed it gently.


Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"I really like Fridays.", Leo announced as they were having snack time outside after school. "Especially when Mira and Eva stop at the bakery to bring cake for all of us.", he beamed at his niece, who clapped excitedly.

"Me too, only Harriet is missing though.", Luca pointed out since the twenty-one-year-old had left about two hours ago and would be gone until 9pm as every Friday. "Woah, Eva, stay calm.", he warned the three-year-old when a bee started invading her space.

"Mmmmm...", the small girl pressed her lips together and closed her eyes in fear. Her mothers had taught her to always close her mouth when either wasps, bees or hornets were near her.

"Shh, Baby.", Owen started calming her down as he got up to slowly make sure the bee would be flying elsewhere. While many children and people were simply afraid of the insects, understandably so, it was even more dangerous for his granddaughter to get stung since she was allergic to their poison.

"Dad, get it off her, please!", Mira worried as well, watching her father slowly take care of the situation as he was trying to make no sudden movements that could scare the bee and cause it to sting. Lily had jumped off her chair and was hiding behind her mother, since she was extremely scared of insects with stings.

"Mama!", Eva couldn't hold it in anymore and started sobbing as she brought up her tiny hands to just wave the bee away herself, making it very aggressive by doing so. "GO AWAY!", she screamed.

"Crap!", her mother commented and jumped off her chair to lift her daughter out of hers when Owen shielded them from the angry insect, which led to him being the one who got stung in the upper arm. "Honey, grandpa had the situation under control. Now he got stung and has an ouchie.", Mira informed the toddler, who pouted.

"It's okay. It's nothing to worry about as long as it didn't get Eva.", Amelia meddled. "Come on in, Babe.", she addressed her husband and went inside with him to take care of the spot and make sure he would ice it. "How brave of you.", she commented the situation. "Very chivalrous.", she giggled.

"Oh, come on, Ames.", the trauma surgeon complained. "Stop making fun of me for getting stung by the bee. I was trying to protect our granddaughter.", he explained himself and playfully rolled his eyes at her.

"I know, I know.", the brunette smirked. "Sorry.", she apologized, positioning the ice on the spot that was hurting him. "Maybe this will make you feel better.", she smiled and gave him a kiss. "She was doing very good for a three-year-old, until she wasn't anymore."

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