chapter 20

28 2 7

still Thursday, 15th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Lily, why didn't you come downstairs for dinner?", Leo asked his sister as he barged into her room without knocking. "You said you were fine and that the shooter didn't hurt you.", he remembered confused.

"I'm not hungry, now leave my room, please. You better play some of your violent video games like you always do without thinking twice.", the sixteen-year-old snapped at him, causing her brother to glance at the floor for a moment, before he left to have one of his parents take care of his sister. The boy knew that she wasn't mad at him specifically, but he didn't have to listen to Lily lashing out.

"Hey, do you want help with your homework?", Amelia slowly started making conversation after walking into her daughter's room. She had knocked beforehand though, knowing better than to give the teenager even more reason to be upset.

"Nope.", the young brunette replied and watched her mother nod, before she sighed and turned around to leave. "But I still don't want to be alone.", she added after a moment of thinking and finally chose to be honest with herself. Her mom slowly turned back around.

"Then how about you bring it downstairs? The boys want to finish their horror movie marathon, and we could have a girls' night together with Mira and Harriet in mine and dad's room.", the neurosurgeon softly suggested. Her child nodded and got up with her school stuff to bring it downstairs with her.

"I'm scared, Mom. I don't wanna sleep alone tonight.", Lily mumbled on the steps, part of her hoping her mother wouldn't hear it and part of her praying that she had heard it.

"There's enough space in between your father and me for you, Honey.", Amelia responded, giving her daughter a reassuring smile. She knew that the teenager was rather confused by switching between wanting to be an adult and still being a kid that needed her parents.


Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8


"Baby, you're supposed to be sleeping.", Ryan told his daughter, who quietly walked into the bedroom, where he was watching TV by himself since his wife was at table tennis practice as every Thursday evening. "I just brought you to bed.", he reminded the ten-year-old, who sighed.

"Yeah, but I need to talk to you, Daddy.", Riley explained innocently and watched her father mute the TV as she climbed into bed with him. Before talking, she snuggled into her dad under the blanket, feeling him tighten the hug.

"What's up, Sweetie?", the twenty-seven-year-old wondered. Usually, he wasn't a fan of his children wandering around the house after being brought to bed and having said good night, but he also didn't want to dismiss his kid just like that.

"I have a problem.", the little blonde mumbled upset. "Suki and Marshall are fighting. They both said I am their best friend and that they're mine. I don't want to have to choose.", she said, her lower lip trembling.

"But they're making you choose because they are currently fighting?", Ryan asked, to get the whole picture. His daughter nodded and sniffled. "Oh Sweetheart, I understand that this isn't a great situation to be in. But real friends should not make you choose. How about you give them some time to figure out their fight and then everything will be okay again. You can spend time with Anna and Taylor instead. The two of them are still part of your friendship group as well, right?"

"Yeah, they are.", the ten-year-old confirmed. "It just makes me sad, Daddy. I don't want to have to pick favorites. I love all of my friends equally.", she shared and snuggled into her father again.

"And that is such a gift, little one.", the veterinarian reassured his child, kissing her head. "So, Anna and Taylor it is tomorrow, alright? Unless the other two are getting it together already.", he suggested a plan.

"Deal.", the small girl agreed, a tiny smile appearing on her face. "Can you carry me back to bed?", she begged, causing her father to chuckle before he got up to lift up his daughter a second later. "YAY!", she giggled.

"Quiet, Riles.", the brunette scoffed in amusement. "Your brothers are asleep, and I'd like to keep it that way.", he softly scolded her a bit. "Now have the best night, Love. Good night.", he told her and kissed his kid's forehead after wrapping the blanket around Riley another time.


Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2


"Shit, I didn't expect you to still be awake.", Dennis kind of slurred as he came home an hour later than he usually did after dance practice. He put down his gym bag and walked into their ensuite-bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Hello to you too.", his boyfriend responded, unsure what was going on right now. "Why do you smell like a vodka factory? Did you drive yourself home while being drunk?", he worried, shocked by what he was witnessing.

"I only drank two beers and three shots, Babe.", the brunette answered, his voice rather relaxed. "Gotta say good night to the baby.", he announced after putting on his pajama and brushing his teeth.

"Dennis, don't. He is asleep. And honestly, I don't want you near our son in your current state.", Finn raised his voice a little, irritated by the situation. "You were driving drunk? Why did you even drink alcohol?"

"I was, but now I am here, and everything is fine, Finn.", his boyfriend tried to calm him down, but failed miserably by doing so. "Well, not anymore since you won't let me see my child right now."

"If you were the sober one and I was drunk, you wouldn't let me near Mason either.", the young redhead argued. "Now tell me what made you think that drinking so much after practice and before coming home to me seemed like such a good idea to you!"

"Because we only exist as parents anymore, not as a couple. You're always at work.", Dennis accused him angrily. "And while I love my son more than anything, I am fed up with being your housewife, to be honest."

"So, my job is the problem once more? How often do you want to start the same argument all over again? You knew what you were getting into with me. I have always wanted to be a surgeon.", the twenty-four-year-old reminded his counterpart, hurt.

"Yes, you have, once you didn't wanna be a scientist anymore. And you want to be a surgeon more than you want to be a functioning part of our family. If I wouldn't be self-employed and rather successful with my art, our boy would spend most of his time at his grandparents' house. Sometimes, I wonder if you even want to be his father.", his boyfriend pointed out.

"Take that back.", Finn slowly threatened, lowering his voice, and glaring at him. "I won't argue with you while you're drunk, I am going to sleep on the couch. But I will not leave this room before I have heard an apology from you."

"Then you can just stand here for the rest of the night. I am honestly too shy to tell you what I've been thinking for a while now when sober, so it was time for you to hear how I see things.", the young brunette remained coldly.

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