chapter 32

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Thursday, 29th September -> Liam's, Finn's, and Ruby's birthday

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 25; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 25; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 25; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Thank you for having us, Brandon.", Mira told her ex, who had invited her, Eva, and Harriet for breakfast once she had told him about her decision of allowing him to see his daughter. "You have made your famous scrambled eggs.", she noticed.

"Yeah, I remembered how much you used to like them. And for little Miss Eva there are pancakes as well as requested.", the blonde softly pointed out, very excited to get to talk to his child. He had prepared a huge breakfast for all of them.

"Charming.", the twenty-year-old chuckled, causing Harriet to glance at her for a second, before she looked away again. "So, Honey, this is your dad, Brandon. I have told you about him a few days ago. Do you have any questions you want to ask him? Or maybe you could tell him something about you."

"I wanna be a doctor, like my granparents.", the toddler shared shyly. She actually wanted to know why Brandon hadn't been in her life before but felt like now wasn't exactly the time to ask since her mama had explained to her that he had been busy elsewhere. "Or a lawyer like my mommy.", she added.

"Baby, I am no lawyer yet.", Harriet reminded her, enchanted by her cute kid. "I am studying law.", she clarified, looking at Brandon across from her, who nodded. "What do you do? Jobwise?", she wondered.

"I am working as a firefighter.", the twenty-two-year-old answered matter-of-factly, watching Eva widen her eyes after hearing that. "That's pretty cool, huh?", he smirked at the small redhead.

"Yeah!", the three-year-old nodded eagerly. After breakfast, her mothers decided to leave for half-an-hour, so the girl was able to be with her father without them for a while. That had been the plan in case they felt like Brandon was truly interested in spending time with his child and he had convinced them that he was.

"So...", Harriet said as she was walking next to her best friend. "Do you think you might still have feelings for him?", she carefully questioned, remembering the way Mira had looked at Brandon once he had told her about the scrambled eggs.

"What? No!", the young redhead responded almost immediately, frowning at the brunette. "I am doing this for Eva. I am not pathetic enough to run back to someone who hurt me as much as he has."

"Okay.", the twenty-one-year-old said and giggled at the harshness of her best friend's words. "Are you going to be a single mom forever then?", she joked, which made Mira look at her and widen her eyes the way her daughter had done earlier.

"You can be so mean!", Mira scoffed, but laughed. "I cannot believe you just asked me that.", she exclaimed, shaking her head. "Especially when it's so obvious that I-", she got carried away, but stopped herself.

"That you what?", her best friend curiously wondered, stopping to be able to properly look at her. The twenty-year-old paused as well and slowly turned to her to shyly make eye contact.

"That I have feelings for you.", the young redhead mumbled and anxiously glanced down between them. "Which doesn't mean that you need to feel the same way to be Eva's other mom. I just-", she continued, because she didn't want this to become a misunderstanding, but Harriet just interrupted her by gently cupping her cheeks and making her lock eyes with her again, before she smiled and kissed Mira.


Finn: 25; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2


"Dada, we made you breatfast in bed!", Mason excitedly announced to his father after storming his parents' bedroom, followed by his other dad, who was carrying the tray. "Happy birfday!", he yelled.

"Good morning to you too, little whirlwind.", Finn chuckled and opened his eyes to sit up and lift the child onto the bed. "Thank you so much.", he laughed when his son gave him a tight birthday hug.

"Happy birthday.", Dennis smiled at his boyfriend and handed him the tray before he gave him a passionate kiss. They had decided to stop fighting sometime around the beginning of the week, considering they had found a current solution that seemed to be working. "We love you more than anything."

"I love you too.", the twenty-five-year-old beamed and started sharing his food with his family, much to the joy of his two-year-old, who was ready to eat everything served to him.

"Let's do something fun for your birthday today and make it a family day. It's your day off, I can just not work today too, and Mason can stay home from daycare as well.", the brunette suggested.

"Oh, we go to Build-A-Bear?", their small child asked happily, figuring that was the best idea somebody could have for a family day. He looked up at Finn, who was glancing at his boyfriend in amusement since Dennis seemed confused, considering he had not meant a visit to Build-A-Bear.

"Yeah, let's do that too.", the young redhead agreed, making his son's dream come true. He loved days like this, just spending time with his loved ones. He was also excited for tomorrow, especially since they would finally find out the twins' names at the party.


Liam: 25; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months


"Mommy!", the two older children yelled once she had unlocked the door. Now that Lydia was out of the picture, Robin had a spare key again. The other one was in Amelia and Owen's house, in case Liam locked himself out.

"Hey, thank you for coming.", the twenty-five-year-old smiled at his best friend and hugged her as soon as the kids were letting go of the brunette. Since it was Liam's birthday, he, of course, got to have the children today. But he had chosen to order dinner for the family and had invited Robin as well to celebrate a bit.

"Are you kidding? It's your birthday.", she reminded him and smirked. "Happy birthday, Liam.", she added and handed him a bag. They were done with giving each other presents, but she had still baked him a cake to enjoy as dessert after dinner.

"You didn't have to do that, thank you.", the young redhead gratefully told her. "Come in, Maddy's asleep in the baby swing, but you can just try to wake her, so she can have her food as well. Make yourself comfortable."

"Hey, Honey.", the twenty-four-year-old gently stroked her daughter's cheek, slowly waking the baby, who was about to start crying before she realized who had woken her up. "It's mama.", she said. "Babies, how was Book-Club today?", she addressed her other daughters.

Liam stood at the counter and stopped cutting the cake into pieces to just admire the view of his small family. Most people thought the ex-couple was crazy for having three planned children at such a young age, but they both thought it was the perfect timing.

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