chapter 11

33 1 2

Tuesday, 6th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"I am happy that we get to eat dinner together every day.", Riley announced to her family. Her father had just picked her up from her dancing lesson, and Connor from trampoline practice.

Gladly, both courses were happening in the same gym. Still, on Tuesdays, Ryan had to leave for his own athletics practice. With his busy job and life as a father, he had had to give up on most of his hobbies that were taking place outside of home. But he had kept up attending the athletics course.

"Me too!", Katie beamed at her daughter. "Before dad leaves, we should send Aunt Callie a voice message and wish her a very happy birthday.", she reminded her family members softly.

"Oh, yeah!", Ian agreed, nodding excitedly. "When's our birthday?", he questioned. He knew it had to be soon; it was always shortly after their Aunt Callie's birthday. "We wanna form a gang.", the boy shared happily.

"Wait a minute, little Mister.", Ryan chuckled. "First of all, your birthday is in two days.", he told the twins. "Secondly, what kind of gang do you wanna form? Why? And with whom?", he wondered.

"Connor and I.", his son responded in a way that left no room for any more questions. He frowned like it was the most normal thing to do. "A detective gang.", he answered the other question. "Riley, do you wanna join too?"

"Uhm...isn't that illegal?", his big sister questioned, a little confused, but generally in the mood to solve some cases together with her brothers. "If it's not, it does sound fun. I can make us some friendship, well siblings, bracelets and we can wear those whenever we are searching for clues to solve our cases.", she excitedly pointed out.

"Some gangs are illegal. I guess yours is fine though.", her mother gave them their parents' permission by giving them a thumbs up. "Maybe you can choose a different name than gang for it.", she suggested with a tender smile.

"Daddy's three little detectives.", Ryan meddled proudly, making everyone laugh. He and Katie were always happy when their children decided to do stuff together. They didn't always get along, but most of the time, all three of them tried to include, well, all three of them.

"Nah, that one is weird, Daddy.", Connor mumbled cutely, trying not to hurt his father's feelings in the process. "Can we think about a name before bedtime today, Mama?", he begged.

"Let's see how much time you need to get ready for bed after dinner.", Katie challenged her kids. "Since we want to read as every night, we will have to see how much time is left to gather ideas for names."

"Deal!", all three children accepted the challenge, not aware of how hard they had just gotten played by their mother, and missing their father's amused but admiring glance towards his wife.


Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"How come you are still awake, Baby?", Mira wondered surprised when she entered her daughter's room, right after work. Eva was wide awake, laying in Harriet's arms and refusing to go to bed.

"Becos I has to talk to you.", the three-year-old announced. Her grandpa was working, meaning she had to do it herself, but he had encouraged her to ask her mother and Harriet the questions she had. "How many mamas does I has?"

The girls immediately picked up on what was going to be the topic and looked at each other. Mira had never talked to her daughter about Brandon, meaning, of course, Harriet felt to her like her other parent.

"How many do you think you have?", the twenty-year-old decided to go with her own question instead of an instant reply. She wanted to know her toddler's point of view. And if Eva had chosen her best friend as her other mother, she was more than willing to agree to it, even if they were just friends.

"Two.", the small redhead explained. "You and Harriet.", she added, in case her mom was confused about who else she could mean or something. "I can call you mama and her mommy, just like Mason does with his dads.", she suggested cutely.

"Well, you see Honey, most of the time, two people that are somebody's parents are in love. Harriet and I are just best friends, like you and Audrey. Still, I see no problem here and if you want her as your mommy, we can arrange that after asking her for her opinion on this.", Mira responded thoughtfully as if the brunette wasn't in the room as well right now. Eva just nodded. "Go on, Sweetheart. Ask her.", she reassured the girl.

"Harriet, do you wanna be my mommy?", the three-year-old excitedly wondered, her big blue eyes searching for those of the twenty-one-year-old, who had been there for her since her birth.

"Yeah, I would love that.", Harriet's face lit up. To be honest, she kind of had that role already. They both knew that. Still, it felt good to finally be accepted as such by the toddler. "I love you so much, Eva.", she told her and kissed her head before she looked at her best friend, who was sitting on the girl's other side. "Thank you.", she mouthed.

After what Brandon had done to Mira, it was no secret how hard it was for the young redhead to trust people. But this had been a long time coming and Harriet had been here every single step of the way, meaning she deserved to be called mommy by the child she took care of each day.


Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16


"Hi.", Owen smiled at his wife after coming home from work. She was ready for bed but fighting the sleep since she had been trying to wait for her husband. "Let me quickly get ready for bed."

"We missed each other for four whole shifts. When mine ended, yours started, then yours ended and mine started and mine ended again when yours started.", Amelia pouted cutely. "That's over 24 hours without each other.", she complained.

"True.", the trauma surgeon agreed with a nod before he climbed into bed next to her and wrapped his arms around the brunette. "But now we're together again and tomorrow, our shifts are in sync.", he reminded her softly. "You look so cute when you pout.", he added.

"Thank God.", his wife softly answered. "Because I don't want to spend such long times without you. Still, I had company in our bed last night.", she shared and yawned tiredly.

"Let me guess!", the redhead chuckled. "There was a storm. So, how about our two very mature teenagers paid you a visit during the night?", he made fun of Lily and Leo, causing Amelia to hit his arm.

"Don't be so rude to them. They are tiny babies, who need their mama.", the neurosurgeon defended her youngest, but started laughing a second later. "Okay, now let's cuddle for a few more minutes, tell me about your day, and then we should actually go to bed and get some sleep.", she planned, pecking her husband's lips gently.

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