chapter 24

29 2 9

Saturday, 17th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 8

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Harriet: 21; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Harriet, hi. What are you doing here?", Brandon wondered when he came face to face with the brunette who had opened the door for him. "Is Mira home?", he questioned, seemingly nervous.

"I could ask you the same thing! What the hell are you doing here?", the twenty-one-year-old asked, shocked by him just showing up out of nowhere after he had left Mira alone with the pregnancy and the baby.

"I don't think that's any of your business. Please tell Mira to come meet me for a walk.", the blonde told his counterpart and waited for her to go back inside, before he walked up and down the driveway, waiting for his ex-fling.

"Who was at the door?", Luca questioned, noticing how Harriet looked like she had seen a ghost. "You don't look very well.", he pointed out something that, honestly, everybody else had also noticed.

"Uhm...", the young brunette began unsurely. "Mira, Brandon's outside. He wants to talk to you and take you for a walk.", she finally informed her best friend, whose eyes widened.

"Oh God.", Amelia meddled. "I am glad your father is at work, otherwise he would kill him. Do you want me to come with you?", she asked. The events from yesterday were still sending chills down her spine, but she was trying to focus on her kid's wellbeing right now instead of her own.

"No, it's alright. Can you guys just watch my daughter while I am gone?", the twenty-year-old asked. Her family nodded and watched her leave the kitchen to put on shoes and a soft jacket. "Brandon.", she addressed her ex-fling confused.

"Hey, Mira. I want to talk to you. Let's go for some coffee and a walk, if you're up for it? It's on me.", the blonde suggested politely, waiting for the redhead to agree, which she did by nodding slowly. "I know it isn't my finest move to just show up on your doorstep like that, but-"

"Oh, you've pulled worse moves on me.", Mira interrupted him mercilessly, referring to the fact that he had left her with their baby in her belly. Seeing him so suddenly brought back a lot of emotions she had successfully repressed. But he was being very kind right now and she decided to give him a chance.

"I know. And I want to apologize properly to you for that, but just saying the words feels wrong because it can never undo my mistake.", the twenty-two-year-old sighed. "I was very young and very dumb."

"Me too. And I am raising my child anyway.", his ex-fling pointed out upset. "I was so in love with you, I wanted us to have this baby together. But then you just left without saying anything, you didn't even want to be my boyfriend. I was embarrassing you and so was our daughter's existence."

"You are right. All of that is true. Well, it used to be. It is not anymore. I have grown, I am a better person now. And I have a three-year-old child, which I would love to meet, if you let me.", Brandon replied honestly. "What's her name?"

"Eva-Maeve.", the twenty-year-old shared when they arrived at the coffee shop. "That's her.", she showed him the lock screen of her phone, which showed the small girl and her mama.

"Woah, she's your little twin.", her counterpart noticed once they had taken their seats. "She's so beautiful and cute.", he added, amazed by the little human being he was seeing. "Isn't she ever confused about the fact that she only has one parent?"

"She is not. Because Eva has two parents.", Mira explained, watching her ex-flings facial expression change to a confused one that showed that he wanted her to elaborate on that. "Harriet is her other mom."

"Oh, so the two of you are a couple?", the blonde guessed, but she shook her head. "Were a couple then?", he continued to try to get things right in his head, but once again, his counterpart denied that. "Okay, then help me out, please."

"We aren't together, although I do have feelings for her, but that's not the point. She's been there for me and Eva ever since you left because she's my best friend. So, naturally, my daughter is seeing Harriet as her second parent.", the young redhead said.

"Yeah, that makes sense.", Brandon agreed. "Well, what would you say if we make it three parents? Look, I am not here to take you to court for my child or anything. I know that, even though legally it would be my right, I have lost the right to make such decisions for Eva years ago. But if you could find it in your heart to give me another chance and let me meet her, maybe we could figure something out.", he suggested softly. "Take your time to think about it and contact me once you have decided. Since Harriet is involved as well, I am pretty sure you would want to speak to her too. Here's my number. Please reach out to me soon."


Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25


"Here's your hot chocolate, snacks are over there on the table and here's your cuddle buddy, which is me.", Ethan softly told his girlfriend, who had made herself comfortable on the couch. "Oh, and here's your tablet, so we can start planning."

"Yeah, I am glad that the boys agreed to just connecting our birthday party with our baby party. I want both events to be celebrated, but I also cannot do all of this twice.", the brunette chuckled and snuggled into her boyfriend. Location?"

"Indoor playground. So, we can just talk to each other, while the kiddos get to play. And once they're in bed at Amelia and Owen's house, it's time for us young adults and the teenagers to use the playground during the night.", the twenty-five-year-old said, watching her take notes.

"Yeah, it's a pretty damn good idea. Liam still knows what's fun. I just can't join in on it right now, but that's okay.", Ruby smiled. "Okay, guest list is long, so let me just write down who I remember and then we can add more."

Tina, Harrold, Melody, Jonah, Elsie (Ethan's family)

Amelia, Owen, Luca, Leo, Lily, Grandma Evelyn, Grandma Carolyn

Mira, Harriet, Eva

Robin, Victoria, Audrey, Madelyn

Ryan, Katie, Riley, Connor, Ian

Dennis, Mason

Ellis, Samuel, their kid Diana

Henry, Sofia, their twins Aron and Emily

Camilla, Tony, Mateo

Zola, Dean, their kids Sam, Lexie, and Emma

Daniel, Fiona, their kid Alan

Derek, Meredith, Bailey

Callie, Arizona, Oscar

April, Jackson

Teddy, James, Killian, Keira

Megan, Nathan, Jonas, Olivia

Maggie, Andrew, Mercy, Amy, Clary, Taylor

Jo, Alex, Julie, Tom, Anna

Jake, Addison, Mackenzie, Jordan

Stephanie, Kyle, Teresa, Piper

"Woah.", Ethan commented on the list. He was aware of the existence of all these people but seeing them listed like that made him remember how big Ruby's (chosen) family actually was.

"Tell me about it.", Ruby chuckled and put down the tablet. "I need a break, otherwise my hot chocolate will get cold.", she let her boyfriend know and yawned. "Maybe even another nap."

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