chapter 9

39 2 2

Monday, 4th September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Honey, eat your pancake.", Finn chuckled upon seeing his son getting distracted with something again. That always happened. "Daddy made it for you and shaped it like a bear, that's just what you wanted, isn't it?", he reminded the boy softly.

"Oh yeah, me did.", Mason nodded eagerly and used his little fork to eat another bite of his breakfast. Since Dennis had no specific times to work on his art and Finn would pull the dayshift today, they were having a relaxing family morning.

Still, the redhead was going to take their child to daycare with him later, so his boyfriend could get some quiet time to work on his drawings. Currently, he was working on a drawing of a picture of Owen and Amelia, which the brunette had once called one of her favorites. They wanted to give it to the couple on their wedding anniversary in November.

"If your grandma has some time, she might take a moment to visit you in daycare, Sweetheart.", Dennis told their son because Finn would work until 6pm and Amelia would start working at 2pm.

"Me would wike that so much!", the two-year-old exclaimed excitedly and clapped his hands as his eyes sparkled with happiness. "Is Mateo there too?", he wanted to know. Mateo was Camilla and Tony's four-year-old son and since Ruby's best friend was an intern at Grey-Sloan as well, the boys often got to play together.

"He might be.", Finn answered and smiled, caressing his child's head. Mason looked a lot like Dennis. The couple had conceived him through surrogacy, and they had used the brunette's sperm to do so. "Now how about we concentrate back on that plate in front of you?", the redhead suggested once again, causing the toddler to remember his breakfast all over again.


Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25


"Hi, thank you for taking her. The nanny will be back to work from tomorrow onwards.", Robin explained to Ruby who had been kind enough to choose to take care of the baby today.

"No worries. It's great practice.", the twenty-four-year-old answered with a smile. "And since Eth is working from home just as much as I am, you know we can always take the kids if needed."

"Yeah, you definitely have the best job out of the whole family. Especially since you've decided to turn your hobby into your job and even have a lot of people who love you.", her counterpart chuckled, referring to Ruby's fans.

"I mean, who could have known that the band would get some recognition.", Ruby kept joking around with her friend. "But like, my fans are kind enough to let me experience bringing out a solo EP. Not everybody has that. Still, on the other hand, I do spend a lot of time on social media, trying to please them without giving away too much private information. But you already know that.", she giggled.

"Yeah, I always press like on whatever you upload.", Robin laughed. "However, I love how you can just choose to either work or don't on a daily basis. And with Ethan working from home every single day as just sounds too cozy to be true. And when the babies are here and you take a break and he's still around all day, wow."

"Yeah, it's definitely luxury.", the Hunt agreed with a soft smile. "So, Liam's gonna pick up Vicky and take her to horseback riding, right?", she questioned, causing her counterpart to nod. "When does your shift end today?"

"At 1. But I guess Maddy might still be sleeping then and well, I can't get Audrey before 2 since they're having naptime as well at kindergarten.", her friend replied. "So, I might just stay in my office to get some paperwork done."

"Or you come here and join us for lunch. I'll cook once Maddy is sleeping and then, Eth's gonna take a break too and eat, so instead of buying a sandwich somewhere, you should eat with us.", Ruby invited the brunette, who gratefully smiled and nodded, before she said her goodbye and left for work.


Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"When I go home?", Eva wondered sweetly. It wasn't that she disliked kindergarten, but she loved being at home with her family much more. Mira was about to leave for work but spent her last five minutes at the table with her best friend and daughter.

Her parents were probably in their room, having a slow morning, and her younger siblings had left for school. The only one left was Luca, who wouldn't be up until maybe 10am.

"Well, we both get off at 4, meaning we can't be with you too soon.", Harriet explained to the little girl. "Probably only half an hour before the kindergarten closes.", she added, disappointing the small child in the process, and feeling bad for it.

"Oh, otay.", the tiny redhead sighed and ate another spoon of her cereal, missing the glance her mother and Harriet were throwing each other. Suddenly, her mama got up to check the work-calendars of her own parents.

"Grandpa only starts working at 10pm today, so maybe he can get you after naptime at kindergarten.", Mira figured. "But no promises, I don't know what he has planned today.", she pointed out matter-of-factly.

She knew her parents liked to sleep before their nightshift, meaning her father might wanted to do that rather than supervising his granddaughter until Mira was back. The three-year-old's eyes lit up after hearing that.

"I'll text him to find out.", Harriet volunteered, not expecting the answer right away. "If not, I'll pick her up, so you can just drive home from work.", she smiled at her best friend.

"Alrighty, I'll bring donuts for everybody, I guess. The kids will love that.", the twenty-year-old decided. By 'kids' she meant her daughter as well as Lily and Leo. But it was no secret how much her older brother loved the snack as well.

"Luca wanted to cook dinner tonight, didn't he?", the brunette remembered, but also asked to be totally sure. Her best friend nodded to confirm the assumption. "Isn't that great? Uncle Luke cooking for all of us?", she questioned Eva, who nodded excitedly.

"He a good cook!", the three-year-old beamed happily. "I hope I can has pasta.", she shared, making her mother chuckle because all the kid ever wanted was pasta. "Me loves pasta."

"I am pretty sure, he'll make you some pasta.", Mira winked at her daughter. "I gotta go now. I love you so much, my Munchkin.", she told her child and gave her a big kiss and a tight hug. "Be my good girl as always."

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