chapter 6

40 2 6

still Sunday, 3rd September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Thanks for lunch, Finnie.", Amelia told her son after he had said his goodbyes to everyone since he had to leave for work now. As an intern, there wasn't much time off for him. "It was great."

"Of course, you're welcome. Let us know how you'd rate it in the group chat later.", the twenty-four-year-old requested, since that was part of the plan. "Take care, Mom. See you next week sometime."

"You too. We'll probably run into each other tomorrow at work anyway.", she chuckled and hugged her son before he waved and left. "Okay, who's ready for a nap?", she wondered, causing all her own children that had kids themselves to raise their hands. "Not you. I meant the kids."

"Well, we're gonna put Eva down.", Mira informed her mother, who had expected that. Since Liam's children wanted to spend the afternoon here as well, Madelyn and Audrey were going to take a nap too. Dennis also decided to stay because he liked having people around and so did Mason, who needed to sleep a little.

"So, that leaves Ian, Tori, Connor and Riley.", Owen noted. "Ruby, you can take mom's and my bed and get some rest there, Honey.", he told his pregnant daughter, who was probably the only one that had meant it when raising her hand for a nap.

"Connor is going to want to play soccer with you.", his wife informed him and walked over to her husband to gently cup his cheeks as she glanced up at him. "Babe, I know you're pissed at Lily, and you have every right to be, but not now in front of the small children. We will talk to her this evening, together. Enjoy the time you have with your own kids and our grandchildren instead of being so tense all day. Can you do that for me, please?", she softly asked him with a contained smile, and he thought about it for a moment before he nodded. "Thanks, I love you.", she said and pecked his lips.

"I can sit down and read with the kiddos.", Luca volunteered, very aware of the fact that all three remaining children loved stories and books. Serena joined him, so they could take turns and make the voices as realistic as possible. Leo had disappeared to play video games and Lily was upstairs, moping around.

"Why won't Uncle Leo play with us, Grandpa?", Connor wondered, disappointed. He wanted to play soccer with his grandpa and uncle so badly, because they were supposed to teach him their tricks. Ian loved soccer as well, but he loved books even more.

"Oh Honey, you can go ask him. But knock and wait for him to let you in.", the trauma surgeon told his grandson since he knew how the sixteen-year-old sometimes reacted when people just walked into his room, and he didn't want the boy to be sad about it.

"I'll go upstairs.", Liam announced meanwhile, leaving the other adults. Everybody knew he was going to spend some time with Lily, so they just nodded and didn't feel the need to ask him why he would be going upstairs.

"I've heard we're going to play soccer?", Leo came back, holding his nephew's hand. He would've much rather played video games with his friends, but Sunday was family day and therefore, he had decided to delay gaming and instead play with his dad and the kid.

"Thank you.", his mother mouthed and smiled at him. "Maybe Uncle Dennis will also play.", she grinned at the brunette. "And Auntie Robin.", she added, aware of the fact that both of them did enjoy a good round of soccer as well. After sharing a glance, both family members actually did get up to join the tiny group.

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