chapter 3

36 3 6

still Friday, 1st September

Owen: 58; Amelia: 52; Luca: 23; Leo: 16; Lily: 16

Ryan: 27; Katie: 26; Riley: 10; Ian&Connor: 7

Liam: 24; Robin: 24; Victoria: 6; Audrey Blake: 4; Madelyn: 9 months

Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2

Ruby: 24; Ethan: 25

Mira: 20; Eva-Maeve: 3


"Riley, it's your turn to choose a book today.", Katie told her daughter. Although all their children were able to read by themselves, they loved the family tradition of being read to in the evenings. "We'll meet in daddy and mommy's bed as always."

"We read with Grandma as well today.", Ian shared excitedly. Reading was his favorite thing to do, and he valued books like treasure. Since Katie and Riley were at their painting courses on Friday afternoon and Ryan was working until 6pm each Friday, the twins usually spend the time at their grandparents' house.

"That's amazing Baby, what did you guys read?", his father wondered, maneuvering Connor into bed as well, causing the boy to laugh loudly. He liked any kind of sport there was and wrestling with his dad was his favorite thing to do.

"The Jungle Book.", the seven-year-old answered and snuggled into his mother next to him. "What are we reading now, Riley?", he wondered when his sister walked into the room with the chosen book and made herself comfortable between her parents as well.

"Harry Potter part one.", the ten-year-old replied and handed her dad the book that she had taken out of his shelf. She noticed her parents glancing at each other and wondered: "What's wrong with my choice?"

"Nothing. We just didn't realize you were already interested in Harry Potter. The books are quite long. But if it becomes a family thing of us reading the story to you, I guess it's fine.", Katie decided, waiting for Ryan's approval. Her husband shrugged and nodded as well.

"Oh, that's a great choice!", Ian beamed. "Right, Connor?", he asked his brother. "Connor?", he questioned, causing everybody to glance at the seven-year-old, who was laying in his father's arms, deeply asleep. "Whoops.", he giggled. "Guess he's worn himself out by making Grandpa play soccer with him all afternoon."

"Can we still read the story?", his big sister begged their parents, afraid they would say they couldn't because Connor would miss the beginning. "Please!", she added for effect and pouted.

"Yeah, let's read some of it today already and I will just sit down with him tomorrow once it's time for a break, since he'll run around all day as always, and read it to him too.", her mom planned, smiling at her.

"Alrighty then, get comfortable and I'll start reading the book to you.", Ryan announced to his children and began reading their bedtime story out loud. After the first two chapters, he stopped for tonight.

While Katie brought Ian to bed to spend some more time with him after being with Riley the whole afternoon, Ryan carried Connor to his bed and wrapped him in his blanket before he took care of his daughter.

"Daddy?", the blonde little girl started and glanced up at her father, who was sitting next to her on the edge of the bed, softly looking at her. He nodded, waiting for her to continue. "Are we going to visit grandma and grandpa on Sunday? I wanna see them too."

"Of course, Sweetheart. You'll see them on Sunday as well as all your aunts, uncles, and cousins. Probably even great grandmas Evelyn and Carolyn.", the twenty-seven-year-old explained, causing his child's face to light up. "I'll have to work tomorrow, but I'll leave only after lunch, so we can have a great morning together, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy.", Riley agreed and opened her arms for a big hug. "Bounty!", she giggled when her white cat jumped onto the bed. Every sibling had a cat that Ryan once brought home from work, after he had helped a cat give birth.

The three siblings had decided to name them after chocolate bars. Bounty was a boy, Snickers, Connor's cat, was also male and brownish-blackish, and the third one was Ian's female cat named Mars, she was reddish-white.

"Good night, you two.", the young brunette said and kissed both their heads. "I love you.", he smiled, and turned on Riley's small night lamp before he turned off the big ceiling light, leaving the door open a bit.


Finn: 24; Dennis: 24; Mason-Anthony: 2


"Hey Babe, I am home.", Finn quietly announced as he locked the door behind himself. Dennis walked up to him and smiled, embracing his boyfriend, and giving him a big kiss. "Can I see him really quick?", he asked. The young redhead didn't actually have to check in with his boyfriend to get to see his son, but it was half past 11 and Mason was already sleeping.

"Sure, just make sure you don't wake him. He had trouble falling asleep tonight and only gave in because I told him you would bring him to bed tomorrow.", the twenty-four-year-old responded softly.

With Finn being a surgical intern, he was often alone with their son. Dennis knew how sad it made his boyfriend not to be able to be here for the same amount of time, but it had been his dream to become a surgeon, so it was important for him to do so. The young brunette followed Finn and watched from his spot in the doorway.

"He's so perfect.", his boyfriend mouthed to him and stroked the boy's head, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Dennis nodded and beamed. Finn gave his son one more kiss before he stood up again and left the room.

"I made you your favorite tea.", the young brunette shared. "And I wanted to talk to you about something.", he added, causing his boyfriend's eyes to widen since he suddenly sounded so serious. "Oh, it's nothing bad. Just a question."

"Thanks for the tea. Let's sit down on the couch for the talk you wanna have.", Finn suggested and gently pulled his boyfriend with him. "So, ask your question then. I hope I have an answer.", he smiled.

"I've been thinking about us.", Dennis began softly. His counterpart nodded unsurely. "And about our future. After that, my mind went to Liam and Robin and how they broke up because of it, but I just wanna know if we are on the same page here and if not, then I'd like to find out if we can find a compromise. Do you want to get married some day? Doesn't have to be right now. But I would love to call you my husband, Finn.", he calmly explained.

"Honestly?", the young redhead started. "I hope when you actually ask me to marry you, you make it more romantic. Because I have always imagined being proposed to like in a fairytale and not on my couch.", he chuckled. "Of course, I want to become your husband one day.", his face lit up as he leaned over to his boyfriend to give him a passionate kiss.

"Thank God.", the young brunette grinned, before he changed the topic and shared: "Mason kept asking about his Aunt Ruby today again. He was like: When I see Aunty Ruby?"

"He just cannot get enough of her.", Finn laughed. "And she cannot get enough of him. It's so adorable.", he shook his head and beamed. "What did he answer once you told him in two days?"

"That so long.", Dennis quoted his son faking a high-pitched voice, causing both of them to laugh again. "And he sighed the most dramatic sigh I have ever heard.", he chuckled. "I just love his energetic but sweet nature. He's perfect."

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