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i see your eyes staring into mine
i hear your voice whispering into my ear
i feel your warmth and i nestle in your chest
let my memories stay perfect

i promise i'll walk away without regret
i've been desperate to grow
flooded my soils and seeds trying to quickly put a plaster on a fracture

i was hurt and i was immature and that's okay

my resentment to you was a convenient excuse, a standin while i picked myself up again

long enough to not cry anymore, but not so long i've forgotten

i burned this bridge with streaking flashbangs and blazing torches
the intricate railings and steps i worked hard to perfect melted and coated with ash
i'm not sure if i could demolish it or try to make it as it was
i'll leave the remains of our bridge as a memento but it's not where i'll stand anymore
maybe our islands will never cross
but there's always space to meet you for the first time again

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