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i dyed my hair red because it looks pretty
it gleams bright under the sun
it would be nice to always have red hair
i'd like to try other colours too i guess but i feel like they won't be as good
too bad though, i'll have to dye it back to black when i go back to school

every time i wash my hair a little scarlet runs out
the water is gently red in the bathtub as it disappears under the drain
my towel will probably be a little pink forever
and my pillow where wet red rain pools as my hair dries

things are about to change but also restart
i want the red to fade slower but i'll be back soon all the same
everything is arranged neatly in my school bag
a year's history sealed away but worn on my back all the same

i want to smile at you
shining under the sunlight in glowing red
i want to tell you about how things have changed so much
how my scarlet summer flight made me soar
flied to the sky and returned in burning red

but soon i'll be all the same
hair cut and black
the same skin and same expression that was cold and unforgiving
all my thoughts caught in my throat
all my growing undone because you can't see the blazing inside of me
snipped off the budding flowers and all you see are thorns

i wish i could wipe away everything and you'll see me for the first time again
see only the petals and not the strangling vines you're used to
i fear this new me isn't me
i am red, through and through
but all you see is ash

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