these swirling petals

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it's all in my head
you're all up in my head
and maybe in a different time i could find the right brushstrokes to really freeze this moment i have in my mind

i wish i could smell like peaches and blossoms
and i wish my hair was pink cotton candy with blue stars
i sew them on with my mind's eye, in a realm of cloud and sky
i meet myself in this garden, in this floral plane i've put together

i could be so much more than this
i could have crystal lights on my windows and plants i don't forget to water
and as the golden afternoon seeps the rainbows could spill into my life

i'm unaccompished and i'm painfully aware of it
but in this dream there is no pain
only the ideal me you can't get enough of
and i'll sleep in my bed of flowers
carnations, white and bubblegum
except i would be everything i've wanted to be
painting on one hand and playing the clarinet with another and twirling in skates at a picnic with fifty-six friends i want to catch up with
because i can finally achieve everything i've wanted to
maybe then i can learn to swim
just to float in a pool of lotuses and lilac water
feel as it gently tickles the skin on my face

and the water is dripping down my face as it trickles out of the shower head
i've been standing here for too long,
this cubicle of warmth and fresh scents and concealed thought and hummed pop songs

half-formed regrets in the palm of my head as i trace the back of my neck down to my arm
in another lifetime i'd do it all, i think
but i think i can collect just a few petals in this one

and i'm sitting in dreamland on the bus to some park i've never been to before
new life on these shores
more patches of the sky to see
time to lose and then pick up again
art to discover
flowers to grow
people to meet
time to shine

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