candlelight paving

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i see the days ahead of me
it's the final walk down the aisle with the flames inside me
and it's the last time we'll all be here together
my insides are burning with different colours and i could break down here and now

let's walk into the sunset
because i want to hear about the stars you'll see where you'll lie
i want to hold onto you
tighten the glowing strings i've tied between us
the years have tugged at our bonds but i care about you all the same
i'm terrified, but i want this for you and for me

i know i'm going to cry when i hold you in my eyes for the last time
but this is a celebration
seven years on these grounds, the tunnel to a hundred different branches
i can't wait to see you blazing in the sky
you're brighter than i could ever tell you

and to you, who i should have long let go of
i light a candle for you and sail across the ocean
you have always been far away from me, but i'm okay with that now
our crossing is not something i regret nor something i wish for once more
i don't hate you, and what you feel about me is no longer important when you're leaving
sail into the horizon and burn bright
candlelight guiding you into somewhere you'll become who you've always meant to be

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