60. Sneaking out

152 13 11

𝅘𝅥𝅮 Stripper - Sohodolls

*Warning: Mature content (sexually explicit)

2nd May, 2009


"This place isn't so bad, you know. " Slash exhaled a stream of smoke from his cigarette as they lounged in the kitchen, both clad in bathrobes.

The clock on the wall pointed to 11:40 AM. Mia's face basked in the gentle sunbeams, a hint of contentment washing away the remnants of her cocaine comedown. Slash had been her anchor through it all, his attentive care like a safety net woven from sweet kisses and refreshing hydration...

"You do?" Mia's arched eyebrow played the notes of skepticism, her gaze locked on his profile. What charm could her modest, uneventful one-bedroom apartment possibly hold for someone like him?

"Yeah, 'cause, you know... It's more central than being all the way out in Malibu."

"But, honey..." A wry smile curved Mia's lips, "We're not exactly free to go anywhere together, remember? We're sort of stuck here, so..." Her fingers casually picked up forgotten mugs and glasses.

Slash pondered, his fingers tapping on the kitchen table. "Good point," he mumbled with a grin.

"We need to figure out how get out and about, but still keep it low-key, stay out of trouble..." Mia suggested, tracing patterns on the coffee cups as she washed them in the sink.

He chuckled, as his nostrils slightly opened, "Out of trouble? That's not possible I'm afraid."

Mia dried her hands on a dish towel. "True that," she agreed, leaning in for a quick kiss.

"And when the album is out, we'll be doing like promo's and shit, maybe tour...and that's a LOT of time together in public." Slash mentioned, his fingers absentmindedly toying with the hem of her robe.

"Yeah, but that's still... a ways off." Mia shrugged, "But hey, this month we're locked in the studio."

"Yeah, that'll be interesting." he said, fingers playfully tickling her knee as they sprawled together on the loveseat, legs entangled.

"Since we're at a loose end now, let's get some work in," Mia proposed with a wink.

"Got a good setup here?" Slash asked.

"I got a better idea," Mia teased.


"All sorted." Mia said, hanging up her phone. "OK, Johnny's off in Santa Barbara, so no one's gonna be poking their noses around here," she commented, her eyes following Slash as he changed into his outfit.

 "OK, Johnny's off in Santa Barbara, so no one's gonna be poking their noses around here," she commented, her eyes following Slash as he changed into his outfit

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The idea of heading over to the Burbank lockout didn't sound half bad. And if someone did happen to walk in, they'd just be caught in the middle of a jam session. What's wrong with that, right?

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