Brain easer

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As usual it was a nice day in the park, but instead of the gang, it was just Rigby and gaz playing video games. And as usual, Rigby is terrible.

"Ugh!" Rigby gorned."I lost again.

"As always?" Gaz joked.

"This stupid thing was throwing me off." Rigby digs into the couch and pulls out a magazine.

"Rigby," Gaz grabs the magazine. "This is Pops' Mustaches Monthly! Benson told you to give this to him weeks ago. You have to give this to Pops."

"What?! Why do I have to?" Rigby asked. "Why can't mordecai or Alex-Oh right, food poisoning."

"From the food you made us!" Mordecai called from upstairs.

"Stop talking!" Rigby replied.

"Screw you!" Alex called to Rigby.

"Just go up there." Gaz said to Rigby.

"I can't get up now. I'm going to lose this sweet butt cheek groove I've been working into this couch!" Rigby moves his one check but to realvel a but print on the couch. "It looks just like me!"

"Fine, I'll do it my self." Gaz gets off the couch. "Lazy, bloody idiot." He mumbled to himself.

Rigby, obviously not hearing gaz comment, kept playing the game they were playing.

Gaz entered Pops room, and made his way to a chair, ignoring the sounds of running water. "Pops, I got your Mustache monthly!" Gaz said, before tossing the magazine on the chair. "Sorry for the long- Aaaaagh!"

When gaz turned around, he saw Pops---butt naked.




"Aaaaagh!" In confusion, gaz accidentally looked down and saw Pops---AHEM! junk mail, and immediately used both his arms to corver his eyes.

"I'm sorry Pops!" Gaz runs out of Pops room, as Pops himself ran into the bathroom and closed the door. Gaz made his way back downstairs.

"Stop playing!" Gaz said as he shat down, Rigby paused the game. "Ok, ok. When I went up stairs, Pops was getting out of the shower."

"Yeah, so?" Rigby asked.

"And he wasn't wearing a towel." Gaz said, full of discuss.


"I tried to not to look and leave, but I saw his damn-"

"His junk mail?" Rigby asked jokingly before laughing away.

"Fuck you, you wanker!" Gaz said to him. "I've seen my fair share of things, but this one, I cant get it out of my bloody head! It's like the image is glued to brain!" Gaz rest his back on the couch. "Evey winkle, every saggy part of-"

"Whoa, whoa!" Rigby cuts him of. "Don't put it in my head."

"Your helping me with this." Gaz points a finger at him. "This technically your fault."

"I'll help you to forget it if you promise to stop talking about it." Rigby said.

"Fine by me." Gaz and Rigby shake hands.

One of Rigbys ideas was to take gaz to the arcade, so that's what he did.

"What you need is some Strong Johns." Rigby said to him.

"Anything to kick your ass." Gaz smiled.

The two start to play Strong Johns, and gaz is winning. But suddenly, the two characters changed into Pops, butt naked.

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