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Rise your hand if you read fanfiction, but keep it to yourself till the day you die? 

And this is the closest thing I can do for Halloween, I sorry folks, no terror tales of the park yet.

As usual it was a nice day in the park. Today, the gang were assigned to trash pick up on the parks dirt roads.

"Man," Mordecai complained. "how can people be so lazy? There are trash cans, like, everywhere."

"Maybe they didn't see 'em." Rigby said, picking up some trash.

"You're defending theses people?" Alex asked. "Well I don't suppose you like being stuck out here."

"Yeah," Rigby smiled, beforeholding up tiny bronze- shoes. "'cause I found these."

"Whoa." Mordecai said.

"The hell are you gonna do with baby shoes made of bronze?" Gaz asked.

"I don't know, I'll think of something." Rigby said, putting the shoes in his bag.

"Wait, are you just filling your bag with cool stuff you find?" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah, man." Rigby replied. "People leave all sorts of junk here. You just gotta look."

"Man, I didn't even think to look." Looks into his bag. "All I got is trash." Alex reaches into Mordecai's bag(with a pair of gloves) and pulls out a small army guy toy.

"I wonder how long he's been on deployment?" Alex asked jokingly.  

"See?" Rigby asked. "It's true what they say. One man's trash is another man's pleasure."



"One man's trash is another man's treasure, not pleasure." Mordecai explained.

"Yeah, mate." Gaz said. "That's just weird."

"Well, it's a pleasure to find treasure, so same-diff." Rigby scuffed.

"Just shut up and pick up some junk." Alex said. But that's when they noiced something on the ground.

The gang: "Quarter!"

"Jinx!" Mordecai, Alex and gaz said.

Rigby Picks up the quarter with a smirk. "Yeah, this treasure's my pleasure!" Then Mordecai punches Rigby in the arm. "Hey!" Then gaz punched him in the gut.

"We said "jinx," dude." Mordecai smiled. "You're jinxed."

"Fine!" Rigby said. "You can have the quarter. Geez." Then Alex punched him in the side. "Du-" the rest of the gang rasied there arms, just daring Rigby to talk, to which Rigby corved his mouth.

"You know how this works, man." Mordecai explained. "You can't talk when you're jinxed. And if you talk, you're gonna get punched. So keep your mouth shut."

"Fine." And they all punched him.

After picking up the trash, it was time for video games, for once Rigby won.

"Ohhhh! In your face!" Rigby gets punched by Mordecai, and goes back to playing.

After that, Rigby went with gaz to get a better look at the solar eclipse happening today.

"Bloody hell, look at that." Gaz commented as the eclipse happens.

"That's amazing." And Rigby gets punched to the ground, despite the pain he still looks up to see the moin corver the sun. "So--- beautiful." And gaz punched his back.

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