my mom.

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The gang brust thow the doors of the nursery, holding on to a small lemon tree. They run to the golf chart and put the tree in the back. They hold in place as Rigby ties it on.

"Dude, hurry up! Tie it down, we're gonna be late!" Mordecai said worried. Rigby finished and they all got on the chart.

"Go, go, go!" They drive off, nearly hitting a car in the process. They drive though the city trying to get back to the back. "Take that street!" Rigby yelled. Alex makes a sharp turn right.

"Pry to God we make it!" He said driving into the park.

Meanwhile at the house. Benson and price are waiting for them outside. "I knew it. I knew they'd be late." Benson said checking his watch.

Down the road. "This is gonna be close." Mordecai said. Alex pulls out his radio. "Echo-3-1 to Bravo 6. We're coming in hot!"

Back at the house. "I say again, we are coming in hot!" Price heard on his raido. Just then, they both look up to see the gang coming towards them.

"Holy hell, we made it!" Gaz said. "We made iittt!!" Alex hit a large rock, which cause them to go out of control and hit a light post from behind. The force caused the lemon tree to snap in half. Alex looked back and saw this.

"Agahhh!! Are you kidding me?!" He hits his head on the steering wheel. Mordecai and Rigby tried to get out and hand it to benson, but Alex stopped them. "Don't bother, Damnit."

"All I ask is for you four, to bring a lemon tree from the nursery. AND YOU CANT EVEN DO THAT!" Benson yelled at them.

"Wow, claim down Benson." Mordecai said. "Well just go down to the nursery, and get another tree."

"No, Alex and Kyle will get another tree." Benson said. "I can't trust.'you' two with anything."

"What!? It wasn't our fault!" Rigby complained.

"Your the one who wanted to stop for chicken wings!" Gaz said to Rigby.

"I dont care whos fault it is, if you don't come back here with a new lemon tree, YOUR FIRED!!!" Benson said, turning red.

"Ok, ok, God." Alex mumbled.

"John, let's go." Benson walks over to the chart, while price stayed behind for a second.

"You two might want to watch yourselfs out there. I hear muscle man along with fives are going on a prank spee." Price said.

Then they heard something exploded in the distance, they all look in that same to direction, to see a giant cloud of green gas.

"Yumkinuni tadhawiquh!" They all heard farha yell in Arabic.

"You want to know who else can taste it!? MY MOM!" Muscle Man yelled also from the distance.

Price sighs. "Just be careful."

Alex and gaz went to the nursery alone, and picked up a new lemon tree.

"Next thing I knew, the basturd was on top of me." Alex said, carrying the tree to the chart. "Holding a knife to my thout."

"What happened next?" Gaz asked.

Alex while he ties the tree down. "I picked up a brick and bashed guys skull in."

"Damn, any reinforcements?" Gaz asked, getting into the chart.

"Nah, manged to get a Evac out, before any arrived." Alex said, getting in the chart. But when he turned the key...


A giant cloud of green gas went off, corving the chart.



both soilders yelled, running out of the cloud in opposite directions. They both stoped once they were a good distance away, and started taking deep breaths.

"What the hell was that!?" Alex asked, still coughing. "Bomb went off or something!?"

"Nah, bros!" Muscle Man voice came on the charts radio. "That wasn't just just bomb. You are smiling the 'Deluxe premium fart bomb!' Cost me 100 bucks to order 3 of them, but it was worth it. And you want to know what else is deluxe and it's 100 bucks?...My Mom!" Muscle Man laughs and hangs up.

"Asshole." Alex said.

"I know, want to get back at him?" Kyle asked.

"Doset he have a brother?" Alex asked.

A couple of hours later, Muscle Man was telling a joke to fives, as they were about to enter his trailer.

"You want to know who else loves taking long breaks?...My Mom!" Muscle Man laughs as they high fived.

Then a truck pulled up in front of the trailer, carrying a trailer of its own. A person stepped out and walked around the truck, it was muscle man's brother, muscle bro.

"Hey, bro. What's good?" Muscle man greeted his brother.

"Nothing much bro, just delivering something to your door step." Muscle bro said.

"What is it, I didn't order anything?" Muscle man asked.

"While how do you explain this?" Muscle bro opened the trailer. Both muscle man and high fives went and see what Muscle bro was carrying. It was a truck load of fart bombs.

"Oh, man bro!" Muscle Man Said surprised. "I'm gonna have so much fu-"


All the bombs suddenly went off, causing an explosion so large! The gas looked like the size of a nuke! Once the gas cleared, the three of them where all rolling around on the floor corving there noses, tears in there eyes.

"IT BURNS BRO, IT BURNS!" Muscle Man yelled, before going back to screaming like a pig.

Meanwhile, a hilltop away, Alex and Kyle were watching this all unfold while looking though a telescope.

"You Wana know who else burns?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Muscle Man Mom!" Kyle answered, high fiveing Alex.

I'm back!

Sorry for the short episode, I was gonna post a full one but ran out of time. My school journey though hell is over, and I'm free! So I'm gonna be posting episodes weekly every Saturday....except on the 4th, going on a camping trip with my bro. Anyway, it's good to be back, and I'll see you in the next episode.

Next episode: high score.

Regular Warfare Show Season 2Where stories live. Discover now