Appreciation Day

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The house was decorated with balloons and a banner. Eveyone was outside standing on the steps, benson is standing in front of Eveyone next to  a table, holding a old book.

"The next person receiving an appreciation plaque is... Skips." Eveyone applause as skips skipped up to benson. "It says here in the Book of Park Records that you went the whole year without taking a day off." He said.

"Oh man that's like 400 days." Muscle man Said.

"Your off by 34 days muscle man." Farah said.

"Thanks, Skips, we appreciate it." Skips grabs his reward and skipped away to get back to work. Benson reads the book again. "The next Is.... Nikolai." Eveyone applause as Nikolai walked up

"For killing all the rats in the house, when we had that infestation. Thanks nik, we appreciate it." Nikolai grabed his reward and walked away to also get back to work.

"Now the next two are.... pops and sim-" clears his throat. "Ghost."

"Hooray!" Pops puts his hands in the air happy. They both walk to to benson. "For For helping a baby bird back into its nest. And for helping pops get out of that tree."

While Benson was talking, mordecai Rigby, gaz and Alex were talking amongst there selfs. "Oh dudes, we're next."

"That plaque is gonna look sweet hanging on over my bed." Rigby

"You said it Rigby." They all high fived each other.

"And last, but not least, 4 guys who really pulled it together this year." Mordecai and Rigby smile and look at each other. "4 guys that remind us to not just work hard, but to work hard at having a good time. 4 guys that we couldn't do without. And these 4 guys are mmmmm...John, Farah, Muscle Man and high fives ghost." Mordecai and Rigby looked shocked.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Muscle man spins his shirt around in the air, and throws it on the ground. "Yeah! Eat on that you guys!" He points at the gang. He then puts on his shirt, gets in the chart and did donuts before speeding away.

"Easy Muscle Man!" Farah yelled out.

The gang walked up to benson. "What no appreciation for us?" Alex asked.

"Oh right, you 4." Benson opens the book. "Let's see, let's see." Closed it. "Clean up this mess."

Mordecai and Rigby attempted to go and talk with Benson but Alex and gaz stopped them. "Ah, forget it. It's not worth it." Gaz said.

"Ah come on gaz, we gotta get this award now!" Rigby complained.

"Rigby how do you think I earned the rank of Sargent?" Gaz asked.

"..... by working hard."

"Exactly." Alex said. "so come on let's clean up." They walk over to the house to clean up.

After the sun went down. Benson went into his office to put the book away. Opening the door, he walked in holding the book.

"I'm surprised mordecai and Rigby didn't do anything stupid today." He said to himself. "Gusse those two slackers aren't always slackers." He puts the book. "Oh what am I saying-"

"Hey benson. Have seen my phone anywhere?"

"Did you check the couch. It might have falling between the soffa" benson leaves the room to go help price.

The moment he leaves the room, a lone figure dropped down onto the floor. He was wearing all black jumpsuit. He walks towards the book, picks it up and reads it.

"Ghost for helping a old guy out of a tree. Price for helping a car crash victim. Farah for picking up all the trash. Nikolai for killing rats. So this is where you boys are hiding." He closes the book, on his hand was a very bad 3rd degree burn scar. "From soilders to worker's. Oh How far the mighty have falling."

His voice. It sounded like he was from the south. Maybe taxen. "Well I hope you boy's watch your backs." He puts the book down.

"Shadows are coming for you." Phillip graves said.

Graves had 3rd degree burns on his body and face, he was lucky to have hair. He puts the book down and wlaked to the window. He opens it ans climbed out just as benson opened the door.


You honestly thought al qatala was the only villain here. Nah. Shadows are waiting in the shadows like them. And surprise surprise Phillip graves is still alive. I know he is. No body in cod means no kill conform. Anyway as always hope you enjoyed

Next episode. Peeps

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