Do me a solid

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Before we start, I'll like to say. What. The. FUCK! Call of duty!? Again!?

As usual, it was a nice day in the park. Rigby was watching TV, laying on thr couch as gaz passed by.

"Hey, gaz," Rigby said to him. "do me a solid and get me a lemonade from the kitchen?" He asked.

"You owe me one, back." Gaz said as he walk to the kitchen.

"Of course, that's how solids work." Rigby said waving his hand.

Gaz came back with a glass of lemonade, he handed it to Rigby before sitting on the couch, soon after mordecai shat next to them.

"Uhh!" Mordecai saw what was playing on TV, a certain dumbass show about a bunch off people under the same roof. "Do me a solid and change the channel?" Mordecai asked Rigby.

"Do me a solid and pass the remote, so I don't have to get so close to the commercial?" Rigby asked.

Mordecai handed Rigby the remote, later he and Alex were enjoying some cereal.

"Do me a solid and turn this comic book page?" Mordecai asked him.

And the day went on.

"Do me a solid and dry my hands?" Rigby asked gaz.

"Do me a solid and fluff this cushion?" Alex asked Rigby.

"Sharpen my pencil?"

"Fold these socks?"

"Cheese these nachos?" Rigby asked, holding up some nachos, which were downed in cheese.

All jokes aside, the gang got out of the house to some work, Pops, ghost and Skips drove up to them.

"Yoo-hoo! Mordecai, Alex, Rigby, Kyle!" Pops greeted them happily.

"Hey, Pops, hey Ghost, hey, Skips." The gang greeted them.

"I think those nachos, downed in to much cheese." Ghost said, looking at the cheese filled nacho box in Rigby's hands.

"Oh, yeah." Rigby realized. "I guess we over did it with the cheese, huh?" Then he throws the box at a tree, making them all laugh as it got stuck on the bark.

"Aren't you suppose to be working at the Snack Bar today?" Pops asked.

The gang looked at each other.

"Do us a solid and cover for us?" Alex asked.

"You shouldn't abuse the power of the solid." Skips shakes his head. "Bad things will happen."

"Can you at least pretend you didn't see us?" Mordecai asked.

"Okay. But you owe me a solid." Skips points a finger at them before driving away.

"We should probably get out of here." Rigby said.

"Do me a solid and buy me a cup of coffee?" Gaz asked with a smirk.

And so the gang entered the coffee shop, and made there way to there spot.

"Do me a solid and pull out my seat?" Rigby asked mordecai who those so.

"Don't look now dude," Mordecai said to Rigby. "But Eileen is totally checking you out." He points to Eileen, who's looking over her shoulder washing the table, before looking back.

"She likes you." Alex joked.

"Shut it!" Rigby snapped.

"You should go for it. You'd make a cute couple." Mordecai said.

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