grave sights

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As usual, it was a nice day in the park. Today, Benson and price called an emergency meeting.

"All right, listen up." Benson sated, clipboard in hand. "The cart needs a new suspension system, I don't know why that would be." He Glares at the gang, mordecai and Rigby looked around, not sure what he was talking about, but Alex and gaz knew.

"And the old cemetery is nearly a pile of rocks, and the house needs some repairs." Price added, looking down at Benson's clipboard.

"What's wrong with the house?" Muscle man asked, before the step he was sitting on broke and he nearly feel in. Farah chuckled at his misfortune, but the step she was sitting on also broke.

"That's what wrong with the house." Benson deadpaned. "The problem is, we don't have the money to fix any of it. So does anyone have any ideas for how we can raise the money to cover these costs?" He asked everyone. Rigby rasied his hand. "Yes, Rigby?"

"What's in it for us?" Rigby asked.

"Simple." Price shrugged. "Come up with something successful, you'll get a paided day off."

"What?" The gang asked.

"Hey, I got some choice sports equipment in the shed!" Muscle Man added. "Let's have a sports tournament, and get physic-" unfortunately, the step gave in and Muscle Man feel into a hole, Farah followed soon after.

"There'll be alright, now, anyone have any other ideas?" Price asked.

"A bake sale!" Pops added.

"Won't get enough people, Pops." Price said.

"A concert?" Skips suggest. Benson thought about that idea, but Mordecai had a another idea.

"Oh! Hey Benson-"


"We could-"


"Just hear them out, wound yah?" Price asked, slapping Benson on the back lightly.

"Fine. What is it?" Benson sighed.

"We could have a scary movie night!" Rigby said.

'Yeah, in the abandoned cemetery!" Mordecai added.

"Place is perfect, right movie, right set ups, it could be big!" Alex smiled.

"Not a bad idea." Price said, rubbing his chin.

"Yeah, that could work." Benson agreed.

"Aw, what?" Muscle man asked, pointing his head up from the hole.

"We had a movie night there a long time ago." Skips explained. "It was a huge success!"

"oh! A night of the macabre in the crypt!" Pops said with a laugh. "Isn't that exciting, simon?" He asked.

"Been a while snice I've been to a movie night, so it should be fun." Ghost said.

"Alright, it's settled then." Benson said, before giving eveyone there jobs. "Skips, nik, you'll set up the chairs." The two nodded. "Pops, ghost, you'll be in charge of concession." Pops laughed while ghost nodded his head. "Muscle Man, High Five Ghost and Farah you'll be in charge of decoration duties." The three high Five each other. "Me and John will be in charge of admissions. Mordecai, Rigby, Alex and Kyle. You're in charge of getting the movie and getting the word out. But if this doesn't work, you won't be getting a paid day off." Benson points a finger at them.

"Pfft, it's gonna work." Mordecai scoffed, before he and the gang started to rap.

"Because we know everything about scary movies, and you know nothing about scary movies!" They point fingers at Benson, while Price just watched completely amused. "We'll save the park with our knowledge of scary movies!"

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