its time.

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It was a nice day out today. The gang are at the coffee shop, watching a movie trailer on the TV.


A zombie bites on a guys arm causing blood to spray out.


Even more zombies pin the guy down as they rip out he's guts, he screams in pain.


A police officer is sleeping in the interrogation room, then zombie hands brust thow the wall with forks and knifes. The police officer jumps and screams.

"Zombie dinner party."

"That doset look to bad." A voice said behind them. They turn and see none other then price. Smoking a cigar.

"Oh hey John what are you doing here?" Mordecai asked.

Price takes a seat. "You lot are always coming here, so I wanted to see what's all the fuz about. The others shouldbe here soon." He looks around.

"Will the fuz is about this. BAM!" Rigby thows 2 tickets on the table. "Two tickets for zombie dinner party opening night! I can only had enough to buy two, for me and mordecai."

But mordecai however cringed. "Ooh." He holds up two tickets. "I kind of already got 2 tickets for Pajama Sisters 2."

"That stupid chick movie?" Alex asked. "Why would you want to see that?"

"You browed 20 for me to get those?" The gang looks over and sees Farah and the rest of 141 walk over to them. "Some silly moive."

"Yeah I saw the preview. There just gonna talk about there feelings. Fully clothed." Rigby got a smack to the back of the head by Nikolai.

"Shut up Rigby." He said. They all have a seat.

"Nah dudes. This I got these tickets for me and Margaret. I'm finally gonna try and ask her out." Mordecai said.

"Aw, what? But it's opening night! Do you know how hard it was to get these tickets?" Rigby picks up the tickets.

"Dose Margaret even like these kinds of movies?" Gaz asked.

"Gaz evey girl likes movies about feelings." Mordecai replied.

"I dont." Farah said. Then Margaret came up to them. "Hey guys your foods almost ready. Who are your friends?" He points to 141.

"Oh hey Margaret. This our friends from the park." Mordecai introduces eveyone.

"This here is sim-"

Ghost stares him down.

"I-i-i mean ghost." He chuckled nervously.

"Farah Karim."




"And John Price."


"Ok someone will come by and take your orders. By the way there's a new guy here so we're slow today." She walks away. "So sorry if there's a hold-up." But mordecai stopped her.

"Oh, hey, Margaret. Um, I was wondering, uh, would you, uh, like to, uh, you know, uh..." Mordecai didn't have the words.

"You're gonna have to excuse Mordecai here. He has a hard time trying to." Holds up a coffee cup.
"espresso himself." Mordecai stares at him with jealously, The others noticed this. Until Margaret stared to chuckle.

"Good one, Rigby. I'll be right back with your food, guys." She walks away  smiling. Rigby looks at the gang with a smile. "Dudes, did you see how hard Margaret laughed at me?"

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