White elephant.

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I'm back everyone, guess I really needed some time off. Anyways, in the spirt of the holidays, here's the white elephant.

Christmas at the park, eveyone was outside, dressed for the cold, hearing the morning meeting from Benson and price. Who was smoking his cigar.

"Alright eveyone." Benson said. "It's the holiday season, so we've got a lot of things on the agenda."

Price list off what to do. "Hang the lights, get the track up and running for the sled-a-ton, and.... tonight is the white elephant gift exchange." He sighs.

Eveyone but muscle Man gorns in annoyance.

"Whoo!" Muscle Man chreed. "Hear that, sugar plums? White Elephant. You all know Muscle Man brings it with the gifts. I'm gonna start bringing in the holiday cheer right now!" He takes off his shirt, swings his shirt over his head, and runs away, still cheering.

Once the meeting was over, eveyone went into Benson office to complain.

"Benson, you've gotta call off the white elephant." Rigby said.

"Yeah, you know Muscle Man always pranks us by getting terrible gifts." Mordecai added.

"I still feel that spaghetti." Alex said, rubbing his pants.

"Every year, his gifts ruin Christmas." Pops explained.

"He's a jerk Pops, I don't expect anything less." Ghost added.

"Yeah, I love the guy, but he doesn't know when to quit." Fives said.

"You remember the glove incident?" Skips asked. Benson covers his mouth to stop himself from throwing up, and then breaths to speak.

"Don't remind me." Benson sighned, before explaining. "Every time, you think you're gonna get something you want, then bam!" Hits the desk.  "Muscle Man swoops in, steals your good gift, and you're stuck with his prank one. But this year's gonna be different, this year, we're gonna give him the horrible gifts." He smiled.

"Really?" Mordecai asked.

"Bloody hell, yes." Gaz smirked.

"Okay." Farah agreed.

"Nice." Rigby smiled.

"But the damn thing is impossible to rig." Alex explained. "You can't protect what's he's gonna pick."

"It's not impossible if the odds are stacked in your favor." Price added.

"What do you mean?" Rigby asked.

"What John means, we've got a plan." Benson smirked.

And so begins the planing. Eveyone is standing in the living room, price holding his hat filled with pieces of paper.

"The order of the white elephant gift exchange is decided by picking random numbers out of a hat." Benson explained, as people grabed the pieces of paper.

"Next up is, Number 6!" Price readed.

"OOOOOOOH! Lucky number 6!" Rigby cheered.

"But what if it wasn't random?" Price asked. "What if we write the exact same bloody number on every slip of paper, pretend to have our numbers called?"

Rigby picks a gift. "I wonder what it could be!"

"Yes, what could it be?" Benson asked.  "What's something Muscle Man wouldn't want to steal, something even he would find absolutely horrible?" He asked as Rigby opened the gift.

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