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Imagine ezio's family playing, but it's more dark and twisted.

"Like I give a fuck about this war, I don't care who dies or what side your on, I don't give two shits."

As the sunlight shines though the windows, a black wrapped tanto was visible, blood dripping from its Grey blade. It's welders arm was visible, tattoos corved his arms.

"The brotherhood has been fighting for years, and we'll keep on fighting till is over."

On the dark rooftops of downtown New York. Someone jumped across a grap between two buildings, he rolled when landed on the other side, continuing to run as something under his left arm shined under both moonlight and city light.

"This is war is something worth fighting for, something you'll never understand."

Chicago sidewalks where as pack, usual for this time of day. A business man of somekind, wearing a tench coat was on his phone. Then in a spilt instance he saw hand being placed on his chest. The man gasped as he felt a sharp pain in his heart, the hand was removed as fast as he dropped his phone.

"This country fucked me over, I fought in there godamn wars, and look where I ended up?!"

Gunshots ranged out in the valley below. Kyrat was known for it's violence and civil war so it was not uncommon. Golden path members shot at a tree with there ak-47's as someone was taken corver. Next thing they knew there was a blinding flash of light, and one by one they got shot and went down.

"I loved being with the assassins, this war that we've been fighting, is petty massed up, man. "

The moonlight shined on the city of San Francisco. It's city's lights shining brighter. On the balcony of the Abstergo Industries facility, a security guard was having a smoke break. Before a hand from the railing grabed his vest, and pulled him off the balcony, falling down 6 stories before hitting the other balcony with a thd.

"You wanna know something? Some psychopath told me what The definition of insanity was, I thought he was bullshiting so, three stabs to the heart and he's dead. But you wanna know something?"

The man passed for a second to take hit from his rolled up weed. Half open jaguar fur/skin vest on his chest, underneath is a white sleeveless shirt. Around neck is a necklace with animal teeth and a tigers claw, dark cargo pants on his legs, while sharkskin boots on his feet. Around his forehead is a blue bandana with old bloodstaines. But what makes him stand out the must is his tattoos corving his arms, both of them.

"Turns out, he was right." Jason smiled.

                    Jason Brody

"Honestly, I can't give a shit about this place, it fucking stinks, and I think it's coming from you."

Jason ducked a baton being swinged at him, before he blocked another swing with his tanto. And in a swift motion he grabed the baton with his freehand, and slashed his attackers thout, blood sprayed out like a faucet, a smile creeping on Jason's lips.

                 Desmond Miles

"Abstergo been after for years, they can keep trying and trying, but not gonna get me."

Wearing his white, red inside, leather hoodie, bule jeans, red and white shoes and one strap backpack, Desmond flicked his wirst and his hidden blade popped out. Corving the guards mouth and stabing him in his back.

                    Aiden Pearce.

"Templar Dogs, I swear, I will kill evey one of them, if it's the last thing I do."

The fox still wearing his jacket, dark jeans, boots, hat and mask, Aiden stabed a man in his neck with his hidden blade, before turning and taking his baton, he nailed another guy in the face as he tried to get up, the symbol of the brotherhood around his neck shined in the rain, resting on his white sports shirt.

                    Ajay Ghale

"Look, I really don't care want you're doing in kyrat, all I care about is my money you promised."

Ajay moved out of corver and fired his ak-17 at Golden path, continuing to fire as he moved up. Wearing all black bulletproof vest with a radio and a knife holster on the shoulder straps, dark green shirt underneath, black cargo pants on his legs along with boots on his feet, dark green milltary scarf along with dog tags around his neck, and green glasses around his eyes.

              Marcus Holloway

"Dude, I don't get me started on being assassin, it brings back memories I don't want to remember."

Marcus wearing a black t shirt hoodie, wearing dark blue jogging pants with duck tape on the knees and ankles along with dark bule running shoes, did a flip across a grap between two buildings, leading with grace before doing a kick flip across another building.

"Really don't care who you are, Paul."

Jason shot his revolver, hitting the cop dead center in his chest.

"You gotta stop killing evey templar you see, for chirst shakes!"

Desmond gets pined onto the brink wall, baton pressed against his thout.

"I thought we agreed we wouldn't see each other ever again?"

Aiden pressed his baton harder against Desmond neck.

"Your not soilder, your godamn killer, that's the difference between me and you."

Ajay shat on the grass, back pressed against the tree as his breathing increases as he put his hand over his chest.

"There's a difference between right and wrong, jas, you gotta know them."

Marcus held a shoe box in his hands, looking like he wants to take out whatever is in side, but for some reason he puts it back under the couch.

"You all think I'm a monster? Say it! Say I'm a fucking monster, cause your fucking right, I'm a godamn monster!"

A Abstergo guard ran for his life, before a throwing knife made from bone hit his ankle. He yelled in pain and he collapse on the dirt. And then with a yell, he saw a tanto coming right for his back, but that's not what made him scream. It was the mask of his attacker, a red mask, a smiling red mask.





Vaas Montenegro

Vaas held up bloodstained necklace of the brotherhood in his hand. And with a statistic smile, he said.

"May the father of understanding guide us, motherfucker."


              Fight for yourself?

              Or fight for them?

         Assassin's Creed Unbroken

               September 19th.

Whistling came from the shadows, Jason knew that tune. The suns warm embrace. Slowly, Jason turned in pure fear, standing there was a women. Wearing a black cloak with goat's fur on the shoulders and a yellow old goat mask corving her face. As the Whistling came to an end, the woman pulled out a kusarigama, ready to kill.

Damn, that took a while. I hoped you enjoyed thay trailer, I'm really looking forward to this, so please show me some support, anyway. As always, I hoped you enjoyed this next trailer I came up with, and see you later folks.

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