i have the receipt you basturd!

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It was a peaceful night at the park, because it was game night! Eveyone was in the living room as Benson held a clipboard.

"Alright." Benson said. "The options for this month's game night are." Starts reading the list on the clipboard. "Checkers, cards, Double Dutch, Tiddly Winks and---"My Mom" isn't a game, Muscle Man. That doesn't even make sense." Benson said to muscle man.

"Looks like I win!" Muscle Man smiled as he and high five ghost high five.

"Let's play Ball-bo Catcher!" Pops laughed as he plays with a ball-bo Catcher.

"Not sure that's something we can all enjoy, Pops." Ghost said.

"A crossword puzzle?" Skips asked.

"How about Monopoly?" Nikolai suggested.

"Okay, let's vote." Benson said. Then mordecai yawns getting his attention. "Yes, Mordecai?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing." Mordecai replied.

"Do you have a better idea?" Benson asked.

"We could play one of those stale old games we usually play." Mordecai started.

"Or we could play the sci-fi fantasy epic of the century!" Rigby announced, holding up a game. "Behold, The Realm of Darthon!"

Mordecai waves his arms around while Alex and gaz vocalize.

"So, what is it?" Benson asked.

"It's a role-playing game." Mordecai explained. "We make up an adventure and you guys try to beat it."

"You can use magic and what not." Gaz added.

"A game of imagination?" Pops asked.  "What fun!"

"Sounds lame." Muscle man commented.

"For once I agree with him." Farha added.

" No way," Rigby said..

"The guy at the store told us it's the hottest RPG of the year." Alex explained.

Benson sighed before asking. "All in favor?"

Some of the team agrees, others don't.

"Get ready for the best game night of your life!" Rigby cheered.

Eveyone was playing the game in the kitchen, with mordecai being the--- dungeon master I think it's called.

"Your party walks down a long hallway and reaches a locked door. What do you do?" Mordecai asked.

"I smash it open with my war claw!" Muscle Man Said. 'Then, a bunch of ladies come out, and they're all, OCH!" Farha elbowed him in the gut to shut him up.

"And how about I use my sword to slice Muscle Man in half." Farah said.

"Roll the 50-sided die to see if your attack is successful." Rigby said.

Skips hold up three things. "All we have is a 48-sided die and two marbles."

"Close enough." Rigby shrugged.

Farha roles the dice and marbles, but they ended up falling off the table. "Did it work?" She asked .

Rigby looks at the chart. "Uhhh---I don't think so."

"This is stupid." Farah said.

"Mordecai! Mordecai!" Pops waved." But I'll reckon I'd like a turn now!" Pops said in a western accent.

Mordecai looks at the book. "Cyborg cowboys take three days to awaken from hypersleep. Sorry, Pops."

Pops mons in sadness.

"Can't he cast a saving throw?" Nikolai asked.


"What does all this stuff mean? Are we even in Darthon yet?" Benson asked. Mordecai flips through the book, trying to find something. "Or is that just an artifact for something?" Benson asked.

Mordecai closed the book getting an idea. "Your party is suddenly ambushed by a flock of manbats! Skips the Mighty gets first strike!"

Skips rolls the dice, as Rigby started to calculate the attack.

"Let's see--- Pirate samurai have plus two times two shen--- minus three charisma--- divide by number of geese---Do we have a protractor?" He asked.

"Scew this, I got better things to do." Price said standing up and leaving. Eveyone expect the gang followed him.

"Worst game night ever!" Muscle Man commented.

"Dudes, they're right!" Rigby knocked the stand over. "This game sucks."

"Waste of godamn money." Gaz added.

"Let's get our money back." Mordecai said.

The next morning, people are waiting in a long line in front game store. Not wanting to wait, the gang pushed past them.

"Coming through people!" Rigby said.

"Move it, out of the way!" Alex said.

After pushing past, the gang went up to the store clerk.

"Hey mate." Gaz greeted. "Were here for a refund."

"I'd love to give you a refund, but you need a receipt for that." The clerk said.

"I got a receipt right here." Rigby slaps the receipt on the desk.

"Excellent." The clerk said. "And now the unopened product?"

"The hell!?" Alex asked. "It didn't say nothing about you can't return it if it's unopened.:

"Well, yes! It's clearly stated on the back of your receipt." The clerk points to the back of the with receipt.

"What?!" Rigby asked. "That's lame! You can barely even see the writing!"

"Yes, well, perhaps if you learned to read, it would be easy for you to see. Good day, gentlemen!" The clerk said.

"Buddy, I'm not in a fucking mode for this." Alex said. "This game sucks, and I want my-our money back."

"Uh, The Realm of Darthon does not sucks!" The clerk said. "You're probably doing it wrong. It's a role-playing game. You have to use your-" Alex grabs the clerks collar, and smiles at him.

"Give us our fucking money back." Alex smiled.

The clerk so kindly gave the gangs money back, 15 bucks. The following night, they decided to give game night other shot. If didn't go well.

"Bro!" Muscle Man yelled. "You can't stack plus fours on me like that!"

"Well guess what!" Alex smiled. "I just did morther-AH!" Muscle Man tackled him.

Sorry for the short episode and late update, I was busy something. Really don't have much to say other then that, I hope you enjoyed this short episode, and I'll see you in the next one.

Next episode: This is my jam!

Regular Warfare Show Season 2Where stories live. Discover now