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The gang are outside in front of the garage, washing a car. Well. Alex and gaz are. Mordecai and Rigby are having a stareing contest.

"Ok." Mordecai rubs he's eyes. "Ready?"

"Give me a second." Rigby rubs his eyes two. "Ready. Alex. Care to do the honors?"

"Gladly. 3. 2. 1. Stare!"

Mordecai and Rigby stare at each other for a few seconds. Before Rigby starts to do funny faces, farther noise, and dance. Mordecai eyes starts to twich a little.

"Ooh, I think you gonna blink." Rigby said dancing.

"Yeah right."

"Ha!" They stare at each other more. Rigby eyes start to water and he shakes. Before he pulled out a laser pointer and pointed at mordecai. "Pschoooo!"

"Hey! no laser pointers! That's not regulation!" Mordecai trys to block the laser out of his eyes.

"Street rules man!"

"Shut up Rigby." Gaz said.

"What are you doing?"Mordecai and Rigby stop and look at the living room window. And there looking out was Benson. "I asked you to wash the truck 20 minutes ago! And only Alex and Kyle are doing it! I can't trust you guys to do anything!"

"Oh, uh. We're just taking a break." Mordecai and Rigby go back to washing the car.

Benson huffs and walks back inside. And there sitting in the couch, watching TV was price. "Those two working?" He asked.

"Hardly." Benson replied, then he rubbed his chin before running back to the window. And then he sees mordecai and Rigby having another stareing contest. Benson gets pissed nut before he could open his mouth, a commercial starts to play on TV.

"Bosses! Are you sick of slackers?" Benson walks over to the TV. "Yeah."

"Is this a familiar sight?" Shows to cafeteria works sleeping on the job. "Well, turn this." It flips and it shows the cafeteria workers working hard, because of Camaras surrounding them. "to this! Peeps! Get your workers to work harder!"

Next it shows the manager in front of monitors. "Thanks peeps."

"Now with 4 different levels!"

"Level 1." Shows a level called Mooch Master. "Level 2." Shows a level called Slack Pack. "Level 3." Bum Blitz is the last name. "for the ultimate in worker productivity." Cut to another caption. The words appear as said. 

"Jeepers Peepers X-Infinity, with a Peeps lifetime guarantee! Act now and get the Peeps lens cleaning kit, free! Call now! Cleaning can be extremely flammable. Offer not valid or void. Peeps may be illegal in your country or province. Requires sign"

Benson rubs his chin as he gets an idea. "You do realize if you do this, your technically a stalker." Price said.

"Better then letting dose slackers slackers of!"

Mordecai and Rigby are still having a stareing contest. Alex and gaz were still washing the car.

"How dirty is this thing?" Alex asked.

"You lot are cleaning this in a minute." Gaz said.

"Yeah we will." Mordecai replied.

"Hey you four." Benson called out. They all look and see him holding a peeps bag.

"Oh hey Benson." Mordecai replied. "We were just getting back to work."

"It's ok, mordecai. I trust you."

Regular Warfare Show Season 2Where stories live. Discover now