rage against the tv.

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The gang were inside playing video games, they were sitting on the couch, eating snacks.

"Alright, Level 10!" Rigby said. "We better not lose this time."

Inside the game, 4 characters are moving though the woods. "Dude, quit messing around and we'll beat it." Mordecai said.

"Last time wasn't my fault." Rigby complained.

"Shut up, and take it seriously." Alex said.

Inside the game, they encounter 3 enemies, and they attack them.

"Triple thugs! Triple thugs! Beat them u!"

"Triple thugs, Triple thungs!"

"Eat on that Triple thungs!"

They manged to beat all three them, but there happiness was gone when pink monster runs on screen and roars.

"Oh, not this ass, we never beat him." Alex complained.

"Dude, we're gonna do it this time. Come on, hit him! Hit him!" Mordecai said. They all started to attack them, but nothing happens.

"I am hitting him, nothings happening." Rigby said.

Mordecai made a discovery. "Aw, dudes! Try kicking him in the junk! Kick him in the junk! Kick him in the junk!"

"I am Damnit!" Gaz said.

"Well keep doing it." Mordecai said.

After so many kicks to the balls, the pink monster was down for the count, 1200 points!

"Oooooooohhhh!" The gang celebrated, before relaxing on the couch.

"How in God's name did you manage to convince us to do that?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Because it's fun." Mordecai replied. "And I told you we were gonna do it. I told you!"

"I knew we were gonna make it." Rigby said.

"I didn't hear you say that 20 hours ago." Gaz replied with a smirk. But they all gasped when they saw, they made it to the final level.

"Look, we made it to the final level!" Rigby said.

"Dudes, you know what this means?" Mordecai asked.

"Were dead?" Rigby asked.

"No, we have to beat The Hammer." Mordecai replied.

"The slogan of this game is literally, "Nobody Beats The Hammer." " Alex said.

"Yeah right, more like nobody even seen the hammer." Mordecai replied, putting his controller in hand. The game ready for the final boss.

"Well, get ready to live. He's probably gonna come out of those doors-" Rigby stops when he sees the Hammer brust though the brick wall---and he has four arms!!

"Nobody beats The Hammer!"

"It's The bloody Hammer!"

They all jump off the couch to attack the Hammer. But whatever they did, did nothing.

"Man, our hits aren't doing anything!" Mordecai said.

"I know, my thumbs are killing me!" Rigby said.

The Hammer lands punches on mordecai and Alex characters, one life gone. And then landed punches on Rigby and gaz characters, one life gone.

"Just one of his hits takes a whole life!" Mordecai said in shock.

Then the Hammer uses two of his arms to flig Mordecai and Alex characters to Rigby and gaz characters, then the Hammer elbow drops them both, one life each gone.

Regular Warfare Show Season 2Where stories live. Discover now