you; when is regular warfare show coming back exactly?

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"Hey, you know what you're doing right? Cause I'm not dying like this." Alex said.

"Dude, it's gonna work, trust me." Rigby said.

"Last time I trusted you, I got sent to the hospital for burns on my tongue. " Gaz said.

"Ghost paper dude, best prank ever." Mordecai said.

Gaz gored. "Let's just get this over with."

Mordecai slowly pressed the gas pedal. The chart was ducked typed up with pillows, they were over the edge of a large hill. "Out of all the things you make us do." Alex said as he looked down the edge. "This has by fair gonna be the craziest." At the bottom was a large ramp.

On the other side of the ramp, we're Nikolai, Skips, Farah, Muscle Man, high five ghost, ghost and pops were waiting for them to come down.

"Come on ladies! You chicken!" Muscle Man yelled to them, eating chicken wings. "Your drunk Muscle man." Farah said to him. "You wanna now who else is mom!" Muscle Man and high fives high faved, while Farah just pitched her nose in annoyance.

"You think there gonna do it, Simon?" Pops asked ghost. "Well see pops, maybe they will, maybe they'll not....either way there gonna die." Ghost replied.

"You remembered to put the increase suspension, right nik?" Skips asked Nikolai. "Dah, they should be able to kiss the heavens and land back down safely." Nikolai joked.

Gaz taps his feet on the ground nervously. Eveyone else is nervous to. He then looks at the reader and smiles. "Hi." He waves. "I'm Kyle garrick, but you could call me gaz. Currently, my life is about to end thanks to that fucking wanker over there." He nodded over to Rigby. "Anyway, I got news, we're coming back on July-AAHH!"

Mordecai drove over the edge, much to eveyone surprise. "No bloody way, they did it!" Ghost said surprised.

The gang yelled as they drove down the hill, and hit the ramp. They went 35 feet into the air, the rest watching in aww. "What's going on here?" They turned around, to see benson and price.

"Why aren't you working?" Benson shakes a bit. "And why is there a ramp?" Price asked.

"If someone doset tell us what's going on, right now-" Benson noticed a shadow underneath him. "Huh? AAAHHH!"

"BLOODY HELL!" Price tackled benson out of the way, just as the chart landed in there position, surprisingly un damaged. Until it feel apart. "MORDECAI, ALEX, RIGBY AND GAZ!!!!" Benson yells.

Gaz stood up with a finger up, looking banged up.


He spins around before falling down with a tud.

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