this is my jam!

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Before we get started, I'll like to say sorry for the late episode, I got caught up in something. Speaking of that, you know my upcoming crossover fanfiction, Assassin's Creed Unbroken, well looks like that got pushed into October 5th or 20th, so if one of you nice folks are looking forward to it, your gonna have to wait. Anyway, onto the episode.


As it is Eveyday in the park, it's nice out. The gang are cleaning out the gutters today, but without gloves.

"This is disgusting." Gaz said as he picked up leaves and gunk barehanded, and puts it into the bucket.

"You're telling me." Mordecai added as he did the same. "This is the worst."

"I don't know, I kind of like it up here." Rigby said as he stands near the edge, holding the hose. "The world seems different at this height. It makes me feel like a giant!" Rigby roars like a big monster.

"Were not hear to enjoy the view." Alex said, as he put gunk into the bucket. "So help us clean these gutters."

"I'm helping, I'm holding the hose. Look, I'm taking a giant leak." Rigby pretends to take a pee by putting the hose to his crotch.

"Yeah, well, you don't need those gloves to hold the hose." Mordecai holds up his hands. "Look at this dude. Come on, let me wear them!"

"Sorry man, you should have thought about that before you threw paper, and lost to my scissors." Rigby said with a smirk.

"Would you just please hose this stuff of." Alex said.

Rigby dose as he told and starts to spray the gunk out of the gutters, but something flew out and nailed Mordecai In the face, and whatever flew out gaz caught it.

"What the heck?!" He asked, holding his head.

"Uh, sorry man." Rigby apologized.

"The hell? It's a tape." Gaz as he inspects the tape that flew out. "How did it get in the gutters?"

Rigby looks up st the skull. "Maybe it fell out of a plane."

"Let me see." Mordecai holds his hand out and gaz past the tape to it. "Probably just trash." Gets ready to throw it. "I'm gonna see how fair I can chuck it."

"Wait!" Rigby stoped him.

"What?"  Mordecai asked.

"Don't you wanna see what band it is?" Rigby asked.

"Oh, okay." Mordecai wipes off the dirt and the band is. "Solid Bold? Augh, it's that single of that summertime song."

"I hate song." Alex commented.

"Summertime Loving: Loving in the Summer (Time)?" Rigby asked. Mordecai looks at thr tape, and it's actually as Rigby said.


Rigby drops his hose. "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" Grabs the tape from mordecai. " Aw, this is my jam right here!"

"What?" Mordecai asked annoyed. "This song sucks."

"Nah, you were all into it too, I remember." Rigby points a finger at him.

"Yeah, just for that one summer in junior high and then I realized how lame it was." Mordecai said with his arms crossed.

"Whatever, man." Rigby said. "Once we pop this into the stereo, all the good memories will come flooding back, and you'll see. You'll see who's jam it is."

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