chapter 1

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'Its done, I'll be waiting'

Y/n hung up her mobile without a sound as she leant against the rotting wooden wall, clicking her fingers in impatience. She observed the scene laid out in front of her- the one she created; two bodies lay lifeless on the grounds, their faces already pale from the blood loss and matching deep slashes on each of their necks and wrists, no sign of struggle. She knew how to do her job quickly and silently, like she was never even there, like a transparent vengeful ghost had flown past in its path of terror.

She used to do this with shaking hands and tearful eyes, past her threw up until she couldn't anymore after a trip like this but now she could do it without even a blink or a tear for those lives she'd taken. She'd made peace with her morality, heaven would deal with her and hell would take her, she had a rotten soul that seeped out from her cracks- or that was what Uncle Namjoon would always tell her.

'I didn't think you'd actually do it' a balding pot bellied man appeared at the door of the run down hut, a strong southern drawl played on his lips 'this ain't a girls job'

'Money is money' Y/n replied in monotone, stepping lightly on the creaking floorboards, making her way over to the corpses 'they're definitely dead, you can check if you want' she put the sole of her black combat boot on the cheek of one of the men, slightly turning his head, opening up the congealed wound wider.

'I trust you'

'So do you have the money?' She wanted to leave as soon as she could, staying long in a place like this would never do her any good, she didn't like to be around bodies for too long, it gave her the chills.

'Well.' She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was going to be a problem- this was the second time this month 'I was thinking maybe we could come to an agreement, it would benefit both of us if I got this one for free'

'That's not how it works' Y/n scowled, she gripped the knife that sat burning in her pocket, ready for what came next.

'Do you know how easy it would be for me to call the cops right now? Only one of us here has blood on their coat'

'Fine, do it then. I'm still not leaving without my cash'

'I don't know your name but you will be going down for a long time' the man laughed pulling the phone out of his pocket 'that's what you get for refusing to comply, my men will be dead and you will be rotting in a jail cell'

Y/n began to feel tired as she heard him press the familiar numbers on his phone, she needed a nap. A split second before he dialled the last number, she lurched forward and wrapped her hand around his wrist with strength, twisting his arm back as he groaned with pain. Eventually he fell to the floor after she threw a firm kick onto his ankle, making him collapse with a cry. She dug her boot into his back, applying force as he choked.

'Want to reconsider?' she asked with dark eyes, twisting his arm further 'theres a cash machine down the road.'

'Now sweetheart, theres no need to get pissy, how about we-'

She was sick of this shit, she was too tired to play along with this bargaining, he was helpless on the ground and he wasn't even begging- he wasn't going to be any fun. She abruptly pulled the blade out of her pocket, slashing his wrist with a sharp pull, flinching as crimson liquid begun to squirt out, she could feel the warmth pouring out as she dropped his arm.

'Fuck you.' She whispered angrily before slitting the bulging vein on his neck, sinking the knife in deep, leaving him crying in pain, unable to talk.

She glared as she watched the light in his eyes dim, she always liked this part- she enjoyed watching their eyes loose all colour and hope, it was oddly fascinating yet sadistic how the human body worked. When his body stopped shaking, she bent down to his waist, patting down his pockets with the back of her palms. Carefully she pulled a brown leather wallet out of the denim, checking it contents thoroughly.

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