chapter 23

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Y/n sat at a small table, taking small mouthfuls of the lukewarm tea in front of her. Her face was ridden with apology as she sighed looking up into the face of the black haired man who sat opposite her. He drunk his own tea, his eyes dark with frustration and lips curled into a frown.

‘I can’t believe you let him go.’ Jungkook stated, his cold tone making Y/n’s ears turn red as her face fell with disappointment in herself. ‘You should have stalled him until I got there.’

‘You were hours away.’ Y/n argued ‘Mina was my first priority and he had intent to hurt her. Besides I didn’t bring any rope to tie him up, I was in a rush to get there and wasn’t thinking properly.’

‘You should have knocked him out.’

‘Mina was hurt! I needed to sort out her injuries before they got infected or she bled out! I didn’t have the energy to deal with Mingyu because this fucking organisation hadn’t let me sleep in days! If I was in a better shape then maybe we would have caught him but my body was too tired.’

‘I do understand that. They’ve given you all of my jobs because I’ve been out looking for Mingyu.’

‘You get away with everything around here.’

‘I don’t. You just have a weakness which they exploit. They have nothing to use against me so I can get away with taking days off.’

‘Mina isn’t a weakness.’

‘She is. If she wasn’t then Mingyu would be dead by now.’

‘You’ll find him again. He’s injured, it’s unlikely that he’s gone far.’

‘I hope so, this is beginning to get tiring.’ He sighed running his hands over his face that was starting to shadow with stubble. ‘I feel like this is taking too long. I feel like I’m letting her down.’

‘You don’t have to avenge her.’ Y/n spoke quietly as she put her mug down on the table. ‘She never asked for you too, all she wanted was for you to both live a quiet life away from all of this.’

’Spare me. She wanted that but knew that dream was unrealistic, unlike you.’

‘Chaeyoung wouldn’t like you continuing with this job.’

‘Sje wouldn’t like you being here either.’

‘I guess we’re both disappointing her then, huh?’

‘Guess so.’

Y/n sighed as she stared down at the table, tracing patterns with her fingers onto the wood. A figure walked past their table, she saw a yellow flash out of the corner of her eye. She watched intensely as Sana walked past, her blonde hair tied back and her hands in her pockets. Once again her face was puffy and red- she had been crying. With everything that had been happening with Mina and Mingyu she had completely forgotten about her. She knew there was something up with this girl, she just needed to be more attentive.

‘What do you know about Sana?’ Y/n asked Jungkook as Sana walked out of the room, watching the direction she went in.

‘I see your type is short girls.’

‘I don’t mean it in that way.’ She scowled crossing her arms ‘The other day I saw her in the restroom crying, she sounded like she was talking to someone over the phone. She was saying some strange stuff.’

‘Like what?’

’I couldn’t hear the whole conversation but it sounded like she was being forced to do something, like she was being threatened. Then she mentioned the meeting that is happening in three days, you know the one that everyone has to attend? It seems strange to me.’

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