chapter 15

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The next morning Y/n sat opposite Mina in a local fast food restaurant, she picked slightly at her muffin as Mina happily ate her burger. The discharge from the hospital was simple and easy, Mina had her blood checked once more and was given the all clear to leave although she immediately threw the rehab pamphlets they gave her into the trash the second she left the ward. Y/n took a long sip of her cola still trying to figure out how to get Mina to leave without her but the girl was as stubborn as ever; it was beginning to become frustrating.

‘So what are we doing tonight?’ Mina asked casually, taking another bite of her food.

‘After this we have some free time in which we will go to your apartment and pack your bags, this is when you will say your goodbyes to your friends, you’re going to tell them you are going to a rehab facility across the country that I am paying for and that you need to leave immediately.’

‘They’re going to know I’m bullshitting.’

‘I don’t care, we just need an excuse for you to leave. We can also go say goodbye to your father in this time as well.’

‘No point, I’m not even sure where he is right now.’

‘Ok. The bus that you will be taking leaves tomorrow but you can’t stay at your apartment because thats too dangerous so you’re going to stay in a hotel room on the other side of the town for the night.’

‘A hotel room? Thats romantic.’ Mina smirked jokingly, trying to break Y/n’s serious mood. ‘I’m excited.’

‘I’m not going to be staying there with you. I’m going to stay in the lobby to make sure someone doesn’t try to get to you while you’re asleep.’

‘What if they climb in through the window?’

‘They’re not going to do that.’ It was almost laughable thinking of Jungkook trying to climb a hotel just for a job- those days were behind him.

‘But they could.’

‘I’ll make sure to get you a room that is on a high floor then.’

‘But they could still climb up.’ Mina smiled as Y/n sighed ‘I guess I need you with me to make sure nothing happens because we can’t run away together if I’m dead.’

‘I am not running away with you.’

‘I’ll convince you tonight.’

‘My mind is made up.’

‘And so is mine, I’m not leaving without you.’

‘I have explained so many times why I can’t leave with you yet you can’t seem to get it through your thick skull.’

‘All I hear is excuses.’ Mina yawned, looking at Y/n seriously ‘Listen, I get you’re scared, I would be too if I’ve never lived a normal life before but we can work it out together.’

‘What if we don’t work out?’

‘Then I guess you can return to the city and your job but what's the harm in trying?’

‘I can’t just return after leaving with you, I’d probably be killed, or in the best case scenario have no where to live. My work isn’t nice or forgiving which is why I have to stay and you have to leave.’

‘I still want you to come with me.’

‘You’re being selfish.’

‘I know but I don’t think it’s a bad thing.’ She shrugged ‘I think we both deserve to get away, I don’t think I could cope knowing you’re still here unhappy still doing this job.’

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