chapter 3

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Mina has been a no show for two days now, no matter where Y/n went she couldn’t find her. The laundry room, the diner, the nearby park- she had disappeared without a trace. Had she gone overboard in the laundry room? Had she realised she was in danger and gone away? If so then she was screwed, there was no way she would be able to explain it to Jungkook, the girl who should be dead by now isn’t because she had let her mind get the better of her.

That morning Y/n left the apartment complex, the sun had just started to rise, leaving the sky a pale dusky blue colour, the star were fading into the light, not to be seen again until the next night. That morning she’d woken up with a growling hunger in her stomach, she hadn’t eaten in a while, it could be easy to forget when you don’t have much of a schedule. She uttered words of thanks as the street vendor outside the complex handed her a breakfast burrito, she ate it with small bites, taking in its bland soggy taste- it was better than nothing.

She leant against a red brick wall, watching the dark clouds as the sky lightened. A bird flew past her face with speed, making her flinch, as it did she saw a figure approaching, a similar silhouette, one that she had been observing for a while now. Mina walked right past her, it was like she wasn’t even there, she aired her as if she were invisible.

‘Mina!’ She called out, Mina knew who she was now, there was no point trying to keep a distance ‘Hey.’

She watched as she stopped in the tracks as soon as she heard her name but did not turn her head, Y/n picked up the pace of her walking until she was standing next to her, Mina turned her head up- she looked ill. Dark circles illuminated her pale face, she looked almost dead and like she would either pass out or throw up any second now, Y/n felt slightly worry as she stared into her foggy eyes.

‘What?’ Mina bluntly replied, the same uncaring expression painted on her face.

‘I- uh haven’t seen you around lately.’

‘Its not like you see me much anyway.’ Mina faced away from her and continued to walk on, Y/n noticed that her walk was weak and unbalanced, plagued with fatigue.

‘Let me walk you back to your apartment, you look terrible.’

‘Don’t need your help.’

‘I’m going to anyway.’ Y/n commented stubbornly, walking beside her. ‘You might get hurt.’

‘That’s rich coming from the person who held a knife to my neck, are you like bipolar or something?’

‘It was in self defence.’

‘Sure.’ Mina huffed shuffling her feet along as if she didn’t believe her ‘if you’re insisting on being a pain today can you at least throw that food? I don’t like the smell.’

Y/n nodded and chucked the remainder of the breakfast burrito into the trash, her stomach was still growling at her in hunger but following and earning this girls trust was her top priority. She walked slightly behind her back into the apartment complex, walking up the damaged stairs with her.

‘Which one is your apartment?’ Y/n asked as they walked down the brightly lit corridor.

‘3E’ she stopped in front of a door, rummaging around in her pockets trying to look for the key she begun to look worried as she turned out the pockets in her jeans. ‘ugh where the fuck is it?’

Y/n spotted a shining object poking out from under the doormat, bending down she picked it up, it was the exact key she assumed Mina was looking for, she held it up showing it to the girl.

‘This it?’

‘Oh. Yeah, I must have left it there so I didn’t lose it.’


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