chapter 2

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Wonwoo Jeon was a twenty two year old man and recovering drug addict, he lived on the south side of the city with his supposed partner who was supportive with his recovery, that was until tragedy struck and Wonwoo's body washed up on the shore of the lake, he was discovered by two children who wanted to feed the ducks that day, their parents were shocked and disgusted to see a scene like this in the city and a national interested was sparked as more and more details were revealed about this case.

This case at first confused the cops, was this just a young man who had accidentally drowned? Or was there more going on here? Well when the autopsy came back it did nothing but baffle them more, Mr Jeon's cause of death was an overdose, large amounts of cocaine were found in his system despite him having ten months of sobriety, this at first did not seem strange, an addict going over his tolerance level and ODing during a relapse is nothing new but this estimated time of death was hours before water entered his lungs, meaning he died before his body even got near the lake. The police claim that the doctors made a mistake and he simply drowned while under the influence but others think not. Mingyu Kim, Wonwoo's roommate was very vocal about how there was foul play involved:

"Wonwoo was serious about staying sober, he was a very determined person despite how the media is portraying him, his dealer died recently and he had been cut off from the cities drug scene ever since his near death experience which turned his life around and inspired him to change. I have no idea how he even got drugs if not from another person with ill intentions, everyone in our apartment complex knew about his drug problem, I have have no idea what happened but the cops are fucking useless, doctors do not make huge mistakes like that. All in all I blame myself, if I had never gone out that night maybe things would be different."

Despite this case being closed and written up as an autopsy error, many still consider the case unsolved and have had a fascination with the case, majority of the true crime community believe there was more at play here, what do you think?

Y/n's phone screen lit up her face as she scrolled through the sixth article about Wonwoo's death, she was surprised she hadn't heard anything about this until now, she still wasn't able to understand exactly why Mingyu was suspicious of Mina but even so the way Mina acted gave her a reason to be suspicious, no person with a rested innocent mind would have been so paranoid at the thought of someone tailing them.

She wasn't dense though, she'd caught the correlation of Wonwoo's accommodation being on the south side, the same as Mina's apartment, this was beginning too catch her Interest more than she was willing to admit, it felt like she was the main character on some kind of crime TV show, the one who had to figure it all out before it was too late, although the heroines of these stories weren't usually as twisted as she was. After a few phone calls she would be able to allow herself to find out more, to satisfy her curious cravings about this girl, she'd never done anything like this for a job before but there was a first time for everything.


She walked out into the main room the next morning, her bag packed with all of her possessions, she didn't have much, in fact only enough to fill half of the bag but she didn't really mind that she didn't own much, it was a constant reminder that she was a ghost on this earth, she would not leave much behind when she eventually passed, her existence was irrelevant.

'Where are you going?' Jungkook asked croakily as he woke up to the sound of Y/n's loud boots on the weak floorboards.

'I'm moving out.'

'Huh? Have you gone mad? You can't even get a house without proper documentation' Jungkook commented, his eyes filled with shock, that shock quickly turned into a curious irritation 'and most of all, why?'

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