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'Notorious hitwoman Y/n Y/l/n still hasn't been caught a year after the cities biggest crime syndicate was busted. The public have rightfully been getting angry at the incompetence and laziness of the police force, outcries for foreign investigation have been huge but the cops think it hasn't gotten to that point yet. Last night the head of the investigation made a statement, telling the public his goals and what they are trying to achieve:

"Regarding Y/l/n I want to say a few things; I understand you are angry, I am angry as well, families of her victims are not getting the justice they deserve which is why I can assure you this case has the utmost priority. Y/l/n is smart, she would have not been able to get away with everything for so long if she wasn't. Right now we assume she could be anywhere living under a fake name and living a normal life. Our team has everything under control and I do not wish to disclose our methods, have trust in us, these things don't happen overnight. That's all I have to say, thank you."

Y/n Y/l/n has always been a figure who has captured the attention of the nation, she is know for her disappearing acts and featured in a very popular true crime case many years back. Her parents were killed in a home robbery and everyone assumed Y/n was dead, the thieves claimed they never even saw the child. An arm was found nearby their home which was written down as Y/n's yet not everyone was entirely convinced she was dead. No one knows how or why she got into this profession, there has been suspects of child trafficking but all ties seem to lead back to "Namjoon" or "Namjoon the ripper" an estranged relative of the Y/l/n and serial killer who got busted and died years ago at a murder scene. We have tried to get in contact with Jungkook, another hitman who got caught at the raid and is currently residing in the max security prison a few miles outside of the city, in attempt to gather more information but even to the cops he refuses to comment, All he has ever said about his cousin is that he has no idea on her whereabouts.

The last place Y/l/n was seen prior to her disappearance was a pawn shop, buying back an old ring that had been sold. The shop owner has been interviewed many times, stressed and taken aback by the attention. He revealed that Y/l/n told him she was buying back the ring that her fiancée had sold prior to her passing. Many speculation has gone around about who this fiancée was and the cops can confirm that it was the deceased Mina Myoui, a girl who struggled with addiction and lost her battle with it a year ago. EMT's on the scene of Myoui's death confirm that a girl was with her, one that fit Y/l/n's description. While Myoui's death was a confirmed cocaine and heroin overdose many suspect there was foul play involved there as well and that Y/l/n was the one responsible-'

Y/n turned off the radio was an angry click- she hated it when they brought her up, they needed to keep her name out of their nosy mouths and let her rest in peace.

Her black hair was tied back into a short ponytail as she picked up the piping bag and resumed icing the cupcakes beneath her with bright pink icing and careful hands. She wiped a smear of icing off her face and exhaled loudly. Who knew that decorating cupcakes was such a hard exhausting job?

'Darling I'm home!' A loud voice called out as Y/n heard the front door open 'You happy to see me?'

'Don't fucking call me that.' Y/n spat, continuing to look down as she placed a small fondant flower on the top of the iced cake.

'God you're insufferable. Can't a man be happy to see his wife?'

'Stop pretending like this marriage is normal. You know my conditions.'

'Yeah.' He sighed and flopped down onto the couch behind them. 'I've been feeling lonely lately so it's nice to pretend I'm in a loving marriage.'

'What happened to the girl you were seeing?'

'She broke up with me as soon a she found out about you. No one wants to get involved with a married man.'

'Don't worry, we'll divorce soon.'

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