chapter 24

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Y/n: I wanted to talk to you in person but I’m busy at the moment so I might as well message you since I don’t want to leave you without a word for so long.

Y/n: I really have been thinking about everything you said and I’m sorry, I never should have let any of this get this bad. I want to run away with you, I have a job tonight and a meeting afterwards then after that I’ll come to you so pack your bags.

Y/n: I’m still mad but I’m willing to look past it so hang in there. I love you x. We’ll talk about it more when I see you.

Y/n: I have no idea why you aren’t responding, I’m assuming it’s because you’re also angry. The sky is very pretty tonight, I wish you were here with me so we could sit underneath it together. Think of the night skies we will have when we get back to our trailer, the nights there were always so beautiful. Look I’ve sent you a photo, you can almost see constellations (1 photo attached)


Mina sat on the floor of the apartment, her entire body shaking and sweating as she rested her head against the hard wall- it had only been three days, why was she already feeling like this? Tears ran down her face and mingled with the beads of sweat, she wiped her brow trying to relive herself of this sticky hot feeling she was experiencing.

She felt terrible both physically and emotionally. Her throat hurt from throwing up and her brain felt like it had been drowning ever since Y/n left. She hadn’t heard anything from the girl in three days. She might have tried to contact her but Mina would never know her since phone lay smashed up next to her on the floor from throwing it against the wall a day ago, worried calls from Sehun and Chan had been blowing up her phone all day and the constant vibrations hurt her head to the point it made her have some sort of rage filled panic attack. All her senses were heightened that even the smallest sound was painful. Her knuckles were completely red and raw, the drug cravings were taking over her body, every time they got bad she would smash her fist against the brick, letting the pain numb the excruciating need her body was begging for.

She was alone. The sound fo silence filled the room and it had become deafening. She was still hopeful, hopeful for Y/n to come back, hopeful that they could be happy. Toxic thoughts still filled her mind, she worried that she had fucked up and this was the last time she would ever see her. Y/n was always forgiving, Y/n always accepted her as she was but everyone had their breaking point; maybe that was hers.

Even if Y/n never came back at least Sehun and Chan were coming home from vacation in a few days, she would never be completely alone. She just had to get through these few days of withdrawals by herself. Get through the few days of being so unsure if her person loved her, it was heartbreaking but she felt like the only person to blame was herself. She couldn’t help but blame everything on her, her addiction would always be a burden even to the most loving.

Her ears perked up as a loud knock rung out, echoing through the room. Mina felt her heart stop, she wasn’t sure whether to be happy or to cry. She shouldn’t spark up her hope yet. Y/n had let her down so many times.

‘Y/n!’ Mina breathed out, dizziness overcame her body as she tilted her head up ‘Y/n please say that’s you!’

‘Sorry to disappoint.’ The door opened and a figure stepped in wearing black hoodie covering the face. A familiar deep voice sounded out, she knew if she put energy in she could figure out who it was but her brain was fried.

‘Fuck off then.’ Mina groaned slightly banging her head against the wall ‘I don’t want any guests.’

The person sat down next to her pulling down their hood and staring at her sadly. She knew she should be panicking, she should be running away but her body was too exhausted from handling its own state.

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