chapter 6

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‘Sir!’ Y/n exclaimed as she ran after the landlord who was exiting the corridor into the stairwell ‘hey! I’m uh Ayame, I live in 4C.’

‘Yeah I remember you.’ He smiled in greeting as she caught up with him, he was rather shabby looking, stubble covered his defined jawline and matched his unbrushed hair ‘I’m not collecting rent for the fourth floor today, only first, second and third.’

‘No thats not what I wanted to talk about.’ She breathed out, she wasn’t exactly sure what she was going to say, she was making this up on the spot ‘I’ve been trying to call you but you haven’t been answering.’

‘What do you want to talk about? Keep it short, I’m kind of busy- the bitch who lives in 3E is refusing to pay rent again so I’ve got to call the cops.’

‘Must be such a hard job you have, dealing with all these stubborn people, I admire your work and perseverance, a man like you shouldn’t have to be dealing with such incompetence.’

‘Yes, it’s the younger generation you see they think they’re entitled to everything.’

‘Mhm, I agree.’ Y/n felt like throwing up, she really didn’t like this man one bit, it was clear he was the one taking advantage of young people in bad situations ‘anyway I think theres a roach infestation in the laundry room, I was going to call an exterminator but I thought I’d run it by you first.’

‘Hm, I haven’t been into the laundry room in a while, you’ve got a good eye.’

‘I know, it’s beginning to get uncomfortable when I’m trying to wash my clothes.’

‘It’s strange I haven’t gotten any other complaints about it.’

‘I mean you can go check it out for yourself but theres no reason I would lie about something like that.’

‘Its probably a good idea for me to check it out, theres no point hiring an exterminator if it’s just one roach.’

She trailed him down into the laundry room, watching every footstep he made- you could tell everything about a person from the way they walked and from what she could tell, he wasn’t as strong as her. He entered the barren room, all that could be heard as Y/n shut the door behind them was the turning of the dust clogged fans that spun in the corners of the room. She stood behind him as he crouched down on the floor, watching as he examined the concrete.

‘Now I don’t see any roaches’ he chuckled looking back up at her.

‘Check the other side of the room.’

‘Ok then.’

As he stood up she tightened her fist, pummelling it into his chest with force as he recoiled back into a laundry machine. He coughed as he tried to catch his breath, she had knocked all the air out of his lungs, he struggled as he tried to find the will to fight back. Before he could do anything, she landed a heavy blow on his head as he fell to the floor, the strength was enough to knock him out but not enough to kill him. He lay on the concrete floor groaning quietly in pain as Y/n looked down at him, her eyes clouded and dark- she was in her zone, doing what she was best at, her heart was beating at a steady concentrated pace as she pulled her knife out of her back pocket, running her finger along the underside of the blade, knowing it was sharp enough to complete the job.

The next part she did a little less simply. She let out a small yell as she brought the knife down into his stomach, repeatedly stabbing at the skin as blood started spitting out- she would never usually kill a person this way, it was unnecessarily messy and such a rash emotional way to murder but she wasn’t feeling sane, she hadn’t been ever since Mina came into her life. Angry tears filled her eyes as she kept stabbing into his stomach with large force, venting out everything she was feeling, why did she have to feel like this? This man was getting what he deserves, for what he did to her target, to her person, it wasn’t his job to ruin her life it was hers, Mina was hers. Why was she so emotional? She couldn’t be emotional, she wasn’t allowed to have feelings, her feelings died when her parents did so why did she now feel so brimming? She couldn’t handle it, she couldn’t handle what she was starting to feel towards Mina, she couldn’t handle the pressure of this job and most of all she couldn’t handle shitty people like this guy who got in her way. Blood was splattering everywhere as her shirt started to damp with sweat and the red coloured liquid but she couldn’t stop herself, she felt angry and confused, this was an outlet she didn’t know she needed- the wet squelching sound of the knife damaging the skin satisfied her ears and her frustrations.

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